c. staley wrote:
I focus my energies on MY OWN BUSINESS - not others.
And here's the part you don't realize: I do NOT "assist pirates" with cheaper, financed products and a promise not to sue them to enable them to continue to decimate my loyal customers who paid up to 5 times as much for the same music.
But that's apparently okay with you to assist the pirates, it's some type of crime to you if I decide "not to assist them?"
Not financing, enabling and "legalizing" pirates IS "doing something." Period. You choose to help them -- good for you. Pretty soon all the pirates in your are will be legal.... and they will still be there competing against you... So what's the improvement/incentive again?
You do realize that every legal, new host that comes into the industry pays less that you have over the course of the years you have been in business?
All you seem to ever see is lemons....
The couple of folks I am helping get legal will benefit the local area. I buy discs at a super-low cost, put together a compilation for them, and sell it to them for a profit. I benefit, they benefit, the industry benefits.
All without ever dealing with Sound Choice or any of the other manufacturers.They are also far enough away from me that for the foreseeable future I will not be in direct competition with them. But one of them has approached me about covering some gigs he can't manage because of conflicts. Again, benefits me, benefits his business reputation by meeting his commitments, and benefits the industry by having someone that is legal cover the event instead of a pirate.
You also seem to think that 100% of the pirates will settle, go legal, and stay in business. We all know that isn't the case no matter how you present it. Either way, the pirates will have to get their investment in the new legal library back some way. I don't think they will lower their rates any further. Logic dictates they will have to raise rates. They also have to deal with the stigma of being identified as a pirate in the first place. I do not. The pirates have a hill to climb that you refuse to acknowledge.
c. staley wrote:
No, you're not sticking to anything. Just as you claim that I'm "turning a blind eye" to the pirates, you are doing the same for all the LEGAL KJ's that are out there. You don't care about them at all. Let 'em all get sued... Let 'em all continue to compete against pirates "made legal - cheaply" by your heroes. Tell me what the incentive is for the "legal KJ" to lift a finger? There is no advantage for an already legal KJ to do anything - there were pirates before and now with the new plan, they'll all still be there.... except now they'll be called "certified." What a crock. What did your "certification" require of you? A credit card or a paypal account? .... that's great. Your "certification" is nothing more than proof-of-purchase seal.
I can no more prevent a KJ from getting sued than I can prevent my neighbors house from getting broken into. I can advise my neighbor to get deadbolts, an alarm system, and maybe a large dog, but a determined thief can still get in if they like.
I don't control Sound Choice. They will do what they do.
The cost of the Sound Choice "proof-of-purchase" was negligible. I considered it a cost of doing business.
c. staley wrote:
Speculation on your part, experienced prediction on mine. I've been in this business over 15 years Chris. I wouldn't presume to make such statements regarding MicroSoft because you have the experience and I don't.
Fair enough. I will concede that point to you. However, I am not seeing venues shy away from karaoke here. I am sure there are some, but it isn't on a scale that is harming our industry. And Sound Choice has been very active here. Piracy and lawsuit awareness is up and the venues still hire karaoke hosts.
c. staley wrote:
No it doesn't, you're support of the tuna fisherman goes far beyond buying a membership in their certification club. You've already said that you're "helping" pirates become legal, that you're ready to jump into the fray to "educate" venues, blah, blah, blah.... all Sound Choice propaganda....
I don't believe I have ever seen Sound Choice ask us to buy discs on the cheap and sell those to KJ's to get them legal. If anything, I would expect that to ruffle a few feathers since I am helping these folks get legal without buying anyting from Sound Choice.
What were legal hosts doing to combat piracy BEFORE the Sound Choice lawsuits came down? I know several KJ's who spoke to venues about piracy years long before Sound Choice took action. I specifically avoid talking about the Sound Choice lawsuits and try to stick to basic moral grounds. Theft is theft. If they will steal from the industry and indirectly steal business from legal hosts, then what might they steal from you?
Remember, I didn't jump into this thread, and attempt to rally the troups behind the Sound Choice banner. I jumped into this thread with the assertion that KJ's weren't doing enough to combat the pirates. That KJ's should not just ignore the illegal hosts. Combat them anyway you see fit. Just don't ignore them.
The problem is that many people are uncomfortable with conflict. They don't want to get involved (thus my onlooker analogy).
c. staley wrote:
And no, you certainly don't want to "ignore the pirates" because you're out to "help them" too... Help them do what? Stay in business?
Let's keep this straight. Chip Staley is ignoring the pirates, Chris Avis is not. Furthermore, I don't hold out an olive branch to every single pirate out there. The ones that I am helping approached me. My business plan doesn't include converting known pirates for profit even though there may be a short term gain in that. But if someone approaches me, that shows an effort on their part to clean up their act. THAT helps us all.
I have not actively confronted any known pirates yet. I am still trying to figure out the best appraoch for that. But I do plan to do it.
chrisavis wrote:
This is as far as I will follow your deflection -
I have much better things to do than read a bunch of legal documents that I don't have the skills to interpret. Plus, I spent my money on something that was useful to me - audits and appropriate certifications. Not a copy of a legal brief that 1) is already closed and/or 2) Is beyond my capability to impact. That battle is being fought by the people that can fight it. The issue was brought up by the folks that can impact it. We (Hosts) should do more at our level to impact what we can.
Stick to what we as hosts can do to directly impact what goes on in our sphere of influence.
c. staley wrote:
RIGHT!!! Let's not look at the "real picture" here because it may just be distasteful. Now, who exactly is turning a blind eye? That would be you.
You are deflecting again. The "real picture" for HOSTS is piracy by other hosts and the hard drive sellers and the iRC channels and the Torrent streams and the disc burners. The "real picture" for the MANUFACTURERS is more multi-faceted. They have their own legal hurdles to jump and we have ours. As I noted, there isn't much we can impact at their level. But we can impact it at ours.
c. staley wrote:
Once the shiny paint is scraped off your hero, you don't want to bother with looking at what's really beneath the surface or beyond your own nose. Your "sphere of influence" is your own "happy bubble."
I get involved in the things I can have an impact on. Why you want to make Sound Choice your nemesis because of litigation you can't impact in any way is beyond me.
You can't do anything about it. Furthermore, since you don't use Sound Choice material, it has absolutely zero bearing on your business as all. In fact, it has zero impact on the business of those that do use Sound Choice product. If you wish to wish carry a grudge against Sound Choice for something they can't even do any more, and you can't do anything about, go right ahead. Yet you will still ignore the guy around the corner who steals 250,000 tracks from thousands of artists, gobbles up market share, reduces the cost you can charge for a show AND you CAN do something about.
c. staley wrote:
You state that because I'm not out spending time and money on these pirates or helping Sound Choice that I'm turning a blind eye? Not at all. But on the other hand, I'm not out "assisting them" with promises of no legal action if they pay me and then selling them product at rock-bottom-easy-financing to keep them in business either. That's your plan to "combat" piracy.
I state that you ignoring the pirates and letting them continue to work, that you are in fact working against the industry. My plan to combat piracy is not fully realized yet. But I will not simply let them go about their business as if they have a right to be there.
c. staley wrote:
If a pirate can take my job, they deserve it. That's how confident I am about my position. It doesn't matter what they think that they can use as a tool - including cheaper pricing. As far as them using the materials "against me" is concerned. It would be tough since they'd be using what my clients have already seen... years ago. And yes, I can claim that I am "benefiting everyone with some marketing and free software" because I have.
Fair enough. But how confident are you that you could take a pirates gig from them? Could you do it without calling them out as a pirate?
For the record, you have benefitted "some" hosts. Not all hosts have seen or used your marketing or your free software. That is not a slight against you, just a correction away from the blanket "benefitting everyone" statement.
c. staley wrote:
Having the title of "attorney" doesn't grant you sainthood nor does it even guarantee competency. "The only qualified person" as you say, has a vested interest to twist every situation into one that shines a complimentary light on his client. Period.
I agree. He does have a vested interest in his own clients positive outcomes. That is why I wish we had an attorney for the KJ's present in the forums.
c. staley wrote:
Your refusal to "educate yourself" on the "legal background" of your hero (SC) doesn't take a law degree or even a lot of money - just simple reading - that you are unwilling to do. Your "blind eye" whether or not you choose to admit it. So feel free to stick your head in the sand if it makes you feel better.
It isn't a refusal, I just don't see any benefit to it. All I have seen you and others on both sides of the issue do is wave the information around as a means of stirring the pot. Every single thread with a link to PACER or JUSTIA devolves into a flame war with no winners.
When you or anyone can explain to me how gaining the "education" on the "legal background" of Sound Choice has directly improved your karaoke business and/or produced some positive impact to any part of the karaoke industry, I will reconsider. If someone can prove to me that reading those documents will somehow accomplish even a few of these items:
Make me more money
Make other
legalhosts more money
Combat piracy
Get pirates out of the marketplace
Improve the quality, and timeliness of music produced by the manufacturers
Unify legal hosts so they support each other instead of undermining each other
....then I will gladly read them and educate myself. Until then, I will focus on running my karaoke business instead of playing the part of armchair attorney.
c. staley wrote:
Your investment is a drop in the bucket compared to those "legal KJ's" like Lonnie, Joe C., myself, Harryoke, Rodney and most of the old-timers here.
....and your point is?
c. staley wrote:
What? You mean this community of thousands of KJ's have dropped what they're doing to help you? Shameful ain't it? Maybe they're busy with their own projects.
YOU seem to have plenty of time to conjure up lengthy posts under the guise of helping KJ's. I guess that is your project.
You are also also focusing on my request and that no one responded to instead of the fact that I am trying to educate without cheerleading and without fear. But since that would mean I am not a Sound Choice lackey, you chose to gloss over and deflect it.
c. staley wrote:
And so (like my marketing materials and software) how will you feel when one of them takes your job? It's gonna go like this:
[pirate]: "Hello Chris?... Just wanted to thank you for letting me fill in for you the other night. The club had a great time.... and they want me there regularly.... sorry to give you the bad news." -- click
Carefully read every post I have made. Where did I ever say someone has filled in for me? Earlier in this post I noted that someone I helped asked me to fill in for them. They are at risk, not me.
c. staley wrote:
Whatever. You're unwilling to look into their history and that clouds yours.
See above. If knowing their history would result in me being as negative about the industry as you come across, then I especially don't want to know.
c. staley wrote:
Again, this is all part the "newbie syndrome." You aren't aware of the years of "pirate discussions" that have been going on, the number of ideas tossed out to combat it nor even my participation in any of it. So how can your judge me by your recent knowledge alone? I was posting ideas and suggestions 10 years ago - so was Lonnie, Harryoke, Rodney, etc... but you weren't there to read them...
In reality we are judging each other only on roughly 3 months of exposure to each other.
That said, I am more aware than you may know.
I was a software pirate in the 80's and very early 90's. I understand the motivation behind piracy. I know why pirates do what they do and how they do it. I have watched technology change piracy from being something that only tech heads could do into something anyone can do. I have watched society as a whole start to view piracy as a victimless crime. I now work in an industry where the scale and sophistication of piracy makes what is happening in the karaoke industry seem insignificant and irrelevant in comparison.
Also, I have a very close friend who has been a host for 22 years. We have been friends for 17 years. I have watched his ups and downs. I have watched him grow and I have watched him on the brink of disaster. I have had many conversations over the years with him and other KJ's. I have felt their pain as they have moved from venue to venue as pirates push them out of there markets. I have even watched a few of them throw in the towel and go the pirate route themselves.
Of course that is no substitute for having lived it they way you and others have. I absolutely respect your tenure in this business.
chrisavis wrote:
I don't like HOW Sound Choice goes about it either. But I don't go about denouncing them as a "cancerous brand" just because I don't agree with how they go about rooting out pirates.
c. staley wrote:
Of course you do.... as a matter of fact, you like it so much you're willing to jump on their bandwagon. Good for you if it makes you feel better.
I am not on their bandwagon. Just because I chose to get certified doesn't mean I wanted to get certified. Let me see if I can make this as clear as possible.
In the case of Stellar Records - I chose to do a CAP agreement because of the massive Stellar library that was sold to me under the premise of being legal. It was the most cost effective means of obtaining the music legally that there was to me with the information I had at the time. I retrospect, I could have done it for a lot less money using my current methods. I would not and will not do it again.
In the case of Chartbuster - Certification came as a result of purchasing their 12000+ drive. A highly cost-effective way of obtaining already ripped, unique tracks and a means of immediately increasing the size of my library significantly since I did not own many Chartbuster discs. Certifications was simply a bonus.
In the case of Sound Choice - I already had a significant number of discs and had already ripped them. I sought out certification for several reasons 1) Insurance against a lawsuit. To me, it just makes sense. 2) Compared to the Chartbuster and Stellar, the cost of an audit was miniscule. 3) I do get to say I am certified and that is a marketable asset.
I specifically state to venues and other KJs that certification is OPTIONAL. It is not required. I don't believe it to be necessary for media-shifting (I do not at this time have the resources to fight that battle to try to prove it).
But it is the quickest, safest, and potentially least expensive route for LEGAL hosts to avoid legal entanglements. There is something to be said for that aspect of it no matter what you may feel about the manufacturers.
c. staley wrote:
I don't believe there is any respect (due or otherwise) here. You continually claim that I'm "sitting idly by" when alternately I can claim that you and your heroes are "enabling and assisting them" to stay in business. You're not "fighting piracy" you're "expanding piracy into unfair competition" but I wouldn't expect you to see that anytime soon.
I withdraw my claim and simply refer everyone to your statements about doing nothing to take on the pirates.
Once again, not my heroes.
And finally, theft is theft.
Do something to stop it, or allow it to happen.
c. staley wrote:
(looking upwards) Forgive him.... for he knows not.....
Don't even get me started on religion.....