leopard lizard wrote:
JoeChartreuse wrote:
leopard lizard wrote:
......They no longer had the songs people wanted to sing and no one went in anymore......
Well, that wasn't because they deleted SC or CB, it was because they didn't replace the tracks with other brands. They were stupid, and it cost them the show. Nothing to do with deletion of BRAND, but lack of replacements.
Am I missing an attempt at humor here? Darn stupid pirates should have stolen some other brand to replace the stolen songs that they were afraid to use anymore?
But what if there wasn't another brand that had those songs?
And yes, they were stupid. They were pirates.
Mimi, I'm kind of amazed, as I figured that you knew me better- guess not. The thread was about what would happen if 2 brands were eliminated from a library. What would be the difference if your competition was pirate or legit????. All I said was that the songs produced by these 2 brands can be replaced - without stealing them- with other brands.
Also, please note my COMPLETE answer. What other KJs or real Karaoke Hosts have in their library is of absolutely no concern to me, because I am SKILL- not library- dependent. Any idiot can go out and buy a library, and any idiot can go out and buy equipment. Therefore, the only real selling point involves neither, but rather my own abilities.
Those without the skills to be a real Karaoke Host will fail, and those with the skills will flourish- regardless of what others can buy.
How you got to a point where you could say that I condoned pirating the other manufacturers' tracks is completely beyond me. Where did that come from?