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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 12:15 pm 
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Karafun Pro Subscribers granted MP4 Downloads of their 29,000+ Library of tracks.

Stupid move Recisio... very stupid move.

Does anyone else see what's going to happen in the karaoke world with this offering?

Who will represent Recisio when their MP4 tracks get flooded all over North America?

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:10 pm 
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They already put up a huge portion of their library on YouTube. Doubt this will be of any more difference. But will be interesting to see how it works, you obviously would have to pay at least a month pro subscription.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 5:55 pm 
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cousinvinnie wrote:
Karafun Pro Subscribers granted MP4 Downloads of their 29,000+ Library of tracks.

Stupid move Recisio... very stupid move.

Does anyone else see what's going to happen in the karaoke world with this offering?

Who will represent Recisio when their MP4 tracks get flooded all over North America?


same thing that happened when their mp3+g flooded all over North America....
people will go on Karaoke Version and buy music.

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PostPosted: Sat Mar 03, 2018 6:01 pm 
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Well... $129/month for 29k+ song library with multi-platform installs or use your own karaoke software... Hmmm maybe my wife was right when she had a pro sub... it's offline subscription but still half the price of SoundChoice "Help" license...

At this point I can use the new tracks... may just jump on this and import them into Compuhost.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 8:24 am 
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You are misinterpreting this. This is for the offline use of the subscription using their streaming service. You are not able to use them if you don't have an active subscription or use their software. It's the same as our service.

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PostPosted: Sun Mar 04, 2018 10:50 am 
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As stated on their website, YES an active Pro subscription is required to "stream" their KFN tracks with their software... Also the feature is there to download them for use "Within" their software for OFFLINE uses.

Then they offer an optional MP4 downloads for those that like to use their own karaoke software away from karafun player.

In other words, As long as you are an active PRO subscriber you can download the tracks in MP4 format and import them in your favorite player software away from karafun.

More info on this is available on their website karafun.com/pro
Download video files
Download individual karaoke videos in MP4 format with a pro subscription for use with your own karaoke system. This feature is available upon request only and with manual validation .

I also sent them an email to confirm what they are saying is true and what are the limitations? Awaiting answers from them.

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PostPosted: Mon Mar 05, 2018 6:22 am 
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Hello there,

Welcome back!

We do have an offer that allows professional users to download the entire KaraFun catalog in MP4 format for use with other programs. This offer allows you to download the catalog in MP4 format.

Here is a brief overview of the requirements:

KaraFun Pro Downloader

KaraFun Pro Downloader may only be used by registered companies (with a national registration number and complete contact information filled in our database) with an active Professional subscription that corresponds to the usage made of the subscription (the number of rooms included in your subscription must match the actual number of rooms where the videos will be used).

Access to KaraFun Pro Downloader is subject to the following terms:

The account must have a history of at least 3 months of active KaraFun Professional Monthly Subscription prior the date of access request to KaraFun Pro Downloader
The user must agree to a 12-month minimum contract with an active KaraFun Professional Monthly Subscription.
If the subscription is cancelled at any time, the videos must not be used and have to be deleted within 24 hours after the subscription cancellation is effective. Failing to do so violates the terms of use and will expose the Subscriber to legal proceedings.
Sharing the video, whether privately or publicly, is not allowed, and all the contents downloaded with the KaraFun Pro Downloader are the entire property of Recisio. Each video is watermarked with a unique identifier linked with the Subscriber account.

Please read all terms and conditions carefully: http://www.karafun.com/terms.html

This option is on an application basis and requires subscription as a pro for three months prior to application, commitment to a one year subscription, submission of all contact information and a copy of your business license.

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