BruceFan4Life wrote:
I used to go to a local karaoke show where the KJ had the capabilty to play a customer's disc but every time I would hand him a disc; the look on his face made it clear that he wasn't happy about it at all. One night he finally complained about how long it would take to load the songs into his hosting software and Why couldn't I just give him copies of all of my home made tracks so he could put them on his hard drivea dn he said he would keep them in a separate folder for only me to sing from.
He'll pirstae everybody else's music byt he'll keep mine safe and secure. Right! I told him that I wouldn't bother him any more with my discs.Lonnie's clientelle knows that he is customer friendly when it comes to playing CD+G discs at his show. Even though Chris may have the abilty to play discs; you can tell by reading his posts on the subject that he would rather not be bothered having to use what he considers to be obsolete technology. If Chris and Lonnie each had a show on the same night; there is no doubt in my mind where most of the disc carrying customers would wind up. They would go to the show where the host makes them feel welcomed and not make them feel like an intrusion.
It makes me smile every time you try to put me or my shows down. Here's a tip - There is nothing wrong with ignorance until you realize you are ignorant and don't do anything about it.
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Lonnie runs 7 nights a week (something you should know by now). I have gigs running 6 nights a week. But I don't compete with Lonnie. If folks from Seattle want to drive 35+ miles to Lonnie's place just because he advertises he plays discs and I don't that is their choice. If they want to drive 20+ miles from Kent, WA to Lonnie's place, so be it. It isn't going to hurt my feelings at all. I have referred many people to Lonnie's in the last year, but most live a lot closer to Tacoma.
I don't advertise "We Play Your Discs!" because it won't have any impact on the success of my shows. I am known for having a very broad selection and the ability to buy on the fly. That may contribute to why people don't feel they need to brings discs to my show. I believe it has more to do with the 20-30 something's that come to my shows having grown up in a digital world. They are an iPod generation. They don't buy physical product. They download and stream. The 40+ year old singers make up <15% of my audience and most of them are tech savvy as well.
One last thing.....Not once in 20 years have I ever heard of a karaoke host losing a gig because they can't or won't play customer discs.