kjflorida wrote:
What Kind of details Diafel/Chip/Paradigm? Birdofsong ? Please list them. What would be irrefutable proof to you ? I really am interested in your opinion.
Irrefutable proof to me, would be finding the KJ's name and purchase information in the records of the hard-drive seller that was caught by purchasing an illegal hard-drive in a sting operation.
It is also possible for a company to keep track of sales and to know who legally owns songs from this moment forward with newly produced music. Anyone not on that list playing one of those new songs could be reasonably under suspicion until they provide proof of chain of ownership. If you know all of your customers, then you can recognize those who are not customers.
Just because the manufacturers have lost control of their past music does not mean they can't run a more effective campaign against theft of their old product by taking better control over their new product.