earthling12357 wrote:
I would expect BMI, ASCAP, or SESAC to cover that, and I would expect it to be very expensive. You probably would need to avoid showing any lyrics or screen images on the stream.
The Performing Rights Organizations will cover that portion relating to the publisher rights, and yes, the venue will need to note that in its PRO forms. But since internet streaming involves a digital transmission of the sound recording, it is within an exception to the general rule against performance rights in sound recordings.
(That's a double or maybe triple negative. The owner of a sound recording usually
can't prohibit its public performance. But if the performance involves a digital transmission of the sound recording, the owner of the sound recording
can prohibit the performance.)
Thus, the person doing the streaming would need a license from the owner of the sound recording--which would be the manu of the karaoke track or its successor-in-interest. I would expect that liability to attach to the venue, rather than the KJ, and there may be some specific exceptions that apply, but the safer course would be not to stream.