kjathena wrote:
and I never "stalked" your husband...I posted info that other people unknown to me sent via email and asked people I do know if they could confirm or deny said information......BTW confirmation would not be needed if "your husband" would confirm or deny himself.
What makes you think that I have to confirm, deny or answer
ANYTHING to you? Who are you to start poking in my personal business? And do you really think I'd swallow that "other people unknown to you sent via email" crap? Like you're some kind of good fairy of the south known to all the munchkins? Fat chance that anyone up here even knows you much less sends you unsolicited email about me. I'm not buying and you're simply nosy.
Even you didn't bother to do the adult thing and simply ask.... or even read any other threads in this forum. Since you've taken upon yourself to STALK for the benefit of all the mysterious contacts you obviously have over the country, I'll let you continue your mission. You wanna know? Find out yourself.
kjathena wrote:
"newbies here should know if people posting even have a horse in the race...it helps them to decide on how much weight to give what is written"
Who granted you the authority to decide what personal information of other members here newbies here should or should NOT know? Or to determine how much weight to give what is written by me? Here's your logical choices:
#1. If I DO have a "horse in the race"That horse has been running successfully in this business for 15 years, which deserves plenty of weight.
#2. If I do NOT have a "horse in the race"That horse has still successfully run in this business for a period of 15 years and I've given away more gigs than you currently have now or had in the past and that deserves plenty of weight as well.
Whether I do or don't is now entirely up to you to find out since you've taken upon yourself to stalk instead of ask, but I will tell you this: I've never driven a drunk home, paid for their drinks or birthday cakes, trained competitors or engaged in any of the "bad business practices" that you've relayed here. My horse is none of your business but based on your business decisions, your "horse" appears on it's last legs on the way to the glue factory.
I understand you wanting to do anything you can to discredit me and what I write. But using inventions and speculating gossip is a pretty childish way to do it.