Virgin Karaoke @ Tue Dec 28, 2010 7:02 pm wrote:
Just curious as to the overall response and if any of the suits have been contested and have gone to court and what the outcome has been. So far here in Virginia I haven't seen any that have gone to court as of yet and from what I can tell there only appears to be three left on the docket. Have the majority of those filed against settled? ... 52/255654/
Interesting factoid: The suits against Rob & Dee Crosby, Nigel Gandara, Jimmy O'Neal, Nick Fisher, and Rick Nunnaly were all dropped from the original suit by Sound Choice, then refiled on this latest docket in July. No reason why was given to the defendants.
Going by past practice of Virginia's "rocket docket" trial would have probably started in late August or early September. Now it's gonna be around April/May of 2011.