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 Post subject: Changes Coming Soon...
PostPosted: Thu Nov 11, 2004 6:29 am 
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Okay, I am making some changes to the Karaoke Scene site, as always. ;) I will start implementing them over the next few days (weeks.) :roll:

I don't want to go into all the technical aspects of what I have done, as I do not want to bore you, but I feel that these will improve the site.
(These are only part of the overall modifications.)

I am going to making some improvements to these sections - KJ Directory & Club Directory.

I am going to be creating a whole new Classified & Merchandise section.

The FREE Email will have some changes as well...

Plus SPECIAL DEALs are in the works, stay tuned for more...

Also, I will be slightly modifying the membership levels for the Singer's Showcase.


Standard- FREE
Daily Submissions: 1
File Size: 3 Mb
Storage: 5 submissions

PLUS - $5 per month, $12.50 per quarter
Daily Submissions: 2
File Size: 4 Mb
Storage: 10 submissions

DELUXE - $10 per month, $25 per quarter
Daily Submissions: 2
File Size: 5 Mb
Storage: 30 submissions

PREMIUM - $20 per month, $50 per quarter
Daily Submissions: 2
File Size: 7 Mb
Storage: 60 submissions

I hope you enjoy the coming changes. As always, if you have suggestions, ideas, comments, and even critiques, please let me know.



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 Post subject: changes coming soon
PostPosted: Fri Dec 17, 2004 8:24 am 
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:? hi , i'm a little confused as to the plus submissions. the question is, if i get 10 subs for plus submissions, and enter 10 songs in a 1 month period, do the fees carry over for the whole year at $5 dollars a month continuously? or does it freeze? i am guessing the former, but just wanted to be sure, and where and how would i forward the funds? also, what would happen if you wanted to delete the songs, afterwards , what would be the time frame, or is a person locked in indefinately? just wanted to clear things up for us amatuers. perhaps i missed this info somewhere else on the site

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 Post subject: changes
PostPosted: Sat Dec 18, 2004 4:53 pm 
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:D I love this site, thanks Phill, I am getting pieces together little by little, and would like to know, when I upgrade, lets say to 30 songs, does it have to go to one in the family, or can we distribute , the songs amongst the six of us. Meaning several of the family members have songs, that are with 4 plus mbs, would it be better to put all in one family members name, and could we then enter the songs there, or would it be better to distribute each persons song to their own name , so the public could identify , with each member of my family individually vs putting everyones song in my name. I would like to send a money order within the next week, so if you can send me an email, with the particulars, we would appreciate it.Thanks Lenny

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 Post subject:
PostPosted: Sun Dec 19, 2004 6:07 am 
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Currently, the system designates one persons' account with the upgrade. We presently do not have a "family" membership.

For example, if you were to upgrade a membership to Deluxe, only that account would be allowed 30 songs archived.

If you would like to use that account for several family members, you would need to explain in the comments/description who is performing.

I hope that is a sufficeint explanation.


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 Post subject: changes
PostPosted: Mon Dec 20, 2004 6:50 am 

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:D muchas gracias, por ayudarnos BECKY

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 Post subject: changes
PostPosted: Fri Dec 31, 2004 10:28 pm 
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:? Hi Phill, We tried entering a song under Beckys name, but got rejected, because it was over 3mp. This was done after 2 songs had gone thru on jan 1, is there a certain time on the first we can resubmit the songs under the new delux package? Thanks LENNY

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