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KaraokeFest 2013 is about to kick off!
We are currently in the process of selecting the venues for our KaraokeFest 2013 singing competitions, the Crème de la Crème, the Crème de la Kids and the fabulous Crème de la King. The number of hosting locations is limited so if you would like your venue to be considered, please contact Karaoke Scene at the number or email address listed below before May 1st. The sooner we hear from you, the better your choice of day of the week, etc. So please
contact us a.s.a.p.
We are nearing the time for the “Oscars” of Karaoke, the “KJ of the Year Awards.” These awards are so important because they provide a way to honor the KJs whose special contributions to Southern California Karaoke deserve to be recognized. Whether it is great song selection, outstanding sound system, fairest rotation, entertaining personality or just overall a provider of a most special Karaoke experience, the “extras” provided by the nominees in their prospective areas make Karaoke better for all of us. So please be sure to vote for your favorite KJ…they deserve it!
The voting begins on June 1st and ends June 30th. In the interest of fairness, only one vote per email address and two votes per IP address will be accepted. Again, the “KJ of the Year Awards” depend on YOU, the Karaoke community, to participate and let those KJs who are worthy know that you appreciate their efforts. They are there for you; please be there for them!
Sponsorship positions for KaraokeFest 2013 are now available to qualified companies. KaraokeFest sponsors enjoy many benefits. This is the perfect way to get your company name, products and services in front of the entire Karaoke community. Sponsorships are limited and will be considered on a first come, first served basis.
For sponsorship or contest venue information - Space and time are limited so be sure to
contact us now or call (714) 826-2212