Yikes Crystal, quit screamin'. LMAO
Hey, I've had that happen RE-peatedly on my subs. I know exactly what you mean: You click "reply"... and it pops back to the top of the page, with no reply box.
Actually, it's happening now on my 2nd to the last sub. Sometimes, it does it after I've replied to a few people, then it wont let me reply on the rest of them.
What I've done...... dunno why it works..... but sometimes it does:
When it starts doing that, "edit" that song, change some little something in your song description, a word or two, then it will let you start replying again. Wierd how/why that would do something but it does. Some songs- I've had to do that like 3 times.... it'll work, then stop again, then I edit again- and can reply to a few more. Kind of a dumb fix, but it worked to get replies out to people.
And PHIL....... I shouted from the rooftops about this a few months ago as well. :D