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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 4:56 am 
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Okay, as most of you know I spend a great deal of time responding to your emails, PMs, and to these forums. Many times answering the same questions over and over.

I would like everyone to assist me. So that I can create a better Q&A or FAQ section for this instead. That way I can make it easier for everyone to find the answers and so that I don't have to repeat myself.

Now I have received hundreds of emails and PMs but I will be danged if I can remember what everyone asked (memory problems & too much information stored in brain it is starting to blend...)  :angry:

If you could provide a list of questions that you would like answers to or questions that you have asked in the past and received answers for (even better) I will generate one post with all this information in it!

Just list them below.

Please HELP me thanx :worship:

Phill Cross
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:37 am 
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I think that is a great idea.   I haven't had any questions as yet, I'm afraid, but an FAQ is a splendid thing.  I use them all the time when I'm learning new software and the like.


Teri Jo
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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 10:05 am 
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How do I access the FAQ forum? hehehehehehe

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 11:24 am 
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I've not e-mailed you any questions but would have to say the ones I see on here most deal with "Why can't I post?" or "Why won't my song play(or upload)?"

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 26, 2005 9:30 pm 
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Perhaps a search in the Forum FAQ.  I'm quite sure I've looked for help and looked right at it witout knowing it.  (Keep in mind that I am trying to teach myself HTML, I'm that far behind most of you here!)

Susie  :shock:

You do it in the shower,
you do it in the car,
Ccome do it with us,
and be a star!!!!

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 4:07 am 
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Great ideas - need more... Ha ha

FHE - The Forum FAQ are to the left and are broken down by areas. I know these are kinda vague but they are the ones provided with the forum.

I am looking to create a whole new section FAQ these will be broken into specific sections for each portion of the site. (Karaoke Forums, Singers Showcase, That's Karaoke, Club Directory, etc...) Well that is my intention.

Phill Cross
Webmaster, Host Provider & Part-Time “Technical” Problem Solver


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 28, 2005 7:26 am 
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Based on questions I have had or friends in other online forums have (which thankfully I was able to sort out, cause they weren't that challenging) here's what I would ask:

1) Why can't I post in or access certain forums? How can I?

2) Why can't I comment on people's subs?

3) How do I edit my profile?

4) What's the point bank? And what's it's purpose?

5) What's the buddy list and how can I use it?

6) How do I upgrade my account? Why do I upgrade my account?

7) Do you have tools/ suggestions for compressing mp3s? Editing mp3s, converting, recording, etc?

8) Do's and Don'ts of posting. (bad words, etc)

9) Why can't I upload an avatar?

10) How do I know if someone responds to my post?

11) What's a PM? and other acronymic questions.

12) Why does my sub quality sound so bad?

That's all I can think of - I hope it's helpful guru guy!


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