also.... I noticed you said FORUMS... you don't actually post in the FORUM, you post in the Singers Showcase....
<----- over there..... under the the heading KARAOKE SCENE, click on singer's showcase.... It'll take you to the song page....
You'll need to set up a seperate profile for the showcase...
after you've logged in, click on the top, right corner where it says "Submit" and it'll walk u through it...
if you have problems submitting (if it takes you to an ERROR page) try again, but MODIFY your profile emmediately before submitting. Even if you have nothing to change, just save it anyway, and then try submitting (for some reason, this works for most people) It worked for ME! HAPPY SINGING!
and if you're thinkin to yourself
"DUH! I know what the singers showcase is, I'm not STUPID" then just ignore me!

hope I helped!