Wow - no one has answered you yet? really? that surprises me. thes epeople around here are usually pretty good about that - where the heck are the MODS and Vicki (aka Morgan)
I read a bit and hardly posts as you can see...
I spend a lot of time in SS listening - I don't comment much as there are too many drama queens in there and they don't need another!
Anyway back to your question - I believe it is answered in the FAQ in SS:
Can I download a song?
NO, We are only providing a means by which someone can "Showcase" their talent for the world to listen to. We allow members to listen to the works of others but do not allow them to be downloaded or stored on another computer. There are many reasons for this just one being possible violations of copyright laws.
Whether it is being paid for or not, it would be distributed if we allowed for downloading. To avoid any possible liscencing issues, we permit listening only.
Additionally, we are protecting the privacy of the submitter. Their works are only available on this site, which they have personally submitted them to. If someone was to download the singers submission they could very well put it elsewhere on the internet. Without the original submitters permission.