Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

What does "Currently Banned" mean?
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Author:  Bill H. [ Thu May 08, 2008 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  What does "Currently Banned" mean?

There's a member who is described as currently banned but contributes to the forum all the time. That's OK by me. From my time here he seems to be a responsible poster.

But my question is... if someone who is currently banned has access to the forums, what are they banned from?

Author:  Phill Cross [ Thu May 08, 2008 11:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What does "Currently Banned" mean?

You may be talking about Steven Kaplan (aka Kappy)

He's just plain CrAzY! LOL

People are truly banned don't have access and below their name it will state "Non-Member"

Author:  Bill H. [ Thu May 08, 2008 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What does "Currently Banned" mean?

Oh OK I get it. I'm a little slow sometimes. ;) Thank you Phill.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Thu May 08, 2008 7:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does "Currently Banned" mean?

and below their name it will state "Non-Member"


From my time here he seems to be a responsible poster.

Given my post count, it's statistically likely that such an event will occur from "time to time"  LMAO

My banishment title (bought by myself for 500 points as a gift during my 10,000th post festivities) was just a joke and the idea came about due to my seemingly uncontrollable posting habit (although few seemed to be celebrating when I hit my 10,000 post, in fact I celebrated alone)  LOL .  I was hoping I'd be able to take a hint after seeing my new title, and perhaps take up a different interest, maybe even "get a life" but unfortunately the later never came to fruition.  Things even started going further down hill from that point on.  I decided to try learning how to sing  :(  My post count has diminished since I now predominantly use a different means of torturing members on this site. (I post links to my singing Karaoke, these posts are actually easier for members to avoid)

In fact -Phill even reinstated my account initially following my posting the "Currently Banned" title uncertain as to whether or not I had in fact been bannished from Karaoke Scene.  :dancin:

Incidently if anybody wishes for points, please feel free to ask me, I think I have about 7 million (no exaggeration)

I offer very low finance rates !

Author:  Donny B [ Thu May 08, 2008 9:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does "Currently Banned" mean?

:wave: Kappy,

  Well...you finally made the BIG TIME!!!! :worship: You are here-after to be known as "THE CURRENTLY BANNED, NON-NON MEMBER, WITH A GAZILLION POINTS, AND STILL "CRAZY" AFTER ALL THESE YEARS,.... STEVEN KAPLAN"!!! :yes:  :oh yeah:  :hi5:  :dancin:  :handshake: !!!

                           Donny "B"     8)

BTW: Who says you're not popular out here.... :clapper:  :swg:

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Thu May 08, 2008 9:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does "Currently Banned" mean?


Author:  seattledrizzle [ Fri May 09, 2008 7:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What does "Currently Banned" mean?

That is too bad there was no party in celebration of your 10,000th post.  In your honor, I will try and sing the Beatles Paperback Writer some time in the next 2 weeks. :drums:

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