Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Oops - I screwed up... Sorry...
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Author:  Phill Cross [ Sun Dec 28, 2003 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Oops - I screwed up... Sorry...

It was brought to my attention by 'Big Jimmy C' that everyones post counts have been modified...

This was completely by accident - Sorry...

In an effort to increase the speed of the forums I was doing some backend modification which apparently caused this to occur.

Normally, your post counts are not effected (or is that "affected" - I can never remeber the rule) :roll: when old posts are deleted...

I know they were a while back when I did a transfer.

I delete old posts for serveral reasons:

1. We have noticed that people don't read or respond to posts older than 90 days.

2. When people do a search they would be given results from the older posts.

3. All these searches are stored in the database causing the forums to respond slower.

4. Why keep old posts around anyways?

Above I have created a poll that will give me an idea of what you think would be a better option, currently the default is 90 days. If a topic has been inactive* for that period it is automatically deleted.

Also, note that if you are a registered member and are inactive* for a period of 120 days your information (login & profile) is deleted. I may adjust that also. let me know what you think would be fair.

* inactive = no posting or not signing in.

So give me your opinions...

Author:  Guest [ Sun Dec 28, 2003 11:56 am ]
Post subject: 

I believe Archiving topics and posts will only help the new people that come along.. and keep the frustration level of some of us that had posted earlier who have posted earlier who go back to refer people to it to remind the newbies or others to it. In short...it would save alot of trouble to keep it there.. :wink:

Thanks for addressing this. I was about to call you personally on this too..
you just saved me alot of time..

Brian Douglas

Author:  Barry James [ Sun Dec 28, 2003 4:22 pm ]
Post subject: 

I don't really mind. I only commented on it in reply to Sheree, who mentioned I had posted more than her!

If they are still accessible somewhere, that's cool!

Author:  Karaoke w/Ron [ Sun Dec 28, 2003 7:32 pm ]
Post subject: 

Phil, maybe archiving them would be the answer. That way if someone wanted to go back to a particular topic they could get to it. But it seems the only time any subjects older than 90 days are "re-newed" is when a newby comes up and digs them out. By then they really have just about died out. But by having them archived, the info would still be available rather than starting the same subject all over again.

Author:  Phill Cross [ Tue Dec 30, 2003 12:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Ron - looking into that...

Ron et al ~

That is a very good idea - however - currently phpbb, the bulletin board template structure, that we use doesn't support this feature. (I have modified the heck out of this board therefore, it is not exactly the same as the other phpbbs.)

I am working with another guy on trying to develop this... we'll see. If we can, that would be excellent.

The alternative as he had suggested & what he does - is move all old posts to a seperate forum... He then locks them so that they are read only plus they are available for everyone to read. This way the archive forum doesn't require people to login. That is an option but it is alot of work... Any volunteers to assist? :) Kidding...

I will keep you advised as to the status on this...


Author:  Phill Cross [ Mon Jan 05, 2004 11:10 am ]
Post subject:  Archives Created...

Okay here is what I am doing.

I have created a new catagory called "Archives"

I will move all topics that are over 90 days old to there. You will not be able to create new posts or reply in these forums Only read. Then all posts that are a year old will be deleted. I am working on way for the posts to automatically be transferred to the new forums.

What do you think of this?


Author:  Guest [ Mon Jan 05, 2004 2:47 pm ]
Post subject: 

I personally think it's fair.. go for it...

Author:  CryBaby [ Tue Jan 06, 2004 6:42 am ]
Post subject: 

My rank, my R A N K!

Oh well, that's what I get for reading and not posting!

Hey the new section, Singer's Showcase is awesome! I love listening to everyone. Maybe I'll submit something :oops: then again maybe not. I would love to hear the rest of you.

Keep the posts forever - I like the new catagory, Archives sometimes I don't get the opportunity to visit, as often as I should. This way I can catch up on what I missed or review what others have said.

As far as deleting members! Okay but not me! I think if a member has never posted or logged in 90 days then maybe you should delete them. They probably forgot their password or decided to use a different login name. I've done that on different forums (to remain nameless) ;)

Great job on the site and everything - looking forward to any new features!

Author:  ardis [ Tue Jan 11, 2005 2:37 pm ]
Post subject: 

i agree that if a member hasn't posted in 90 days you should give them the boot. i would warn them at 60 days, and then if there is nothing, bye bye birdy.

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