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Author:  Karaoke Kelley [ Mon Jun 25, 2007 1:04 am ]
Post subject:  Phil...

So are you still working on finding out whats going on ? Am I EVER gonna be able to access KS thru AOL again ? I do most of my business on AOL & switching from AOL to IE is very annoying especially when Im pretty busy. Thanks :)

Author:  Phill Cross [ Tue Jun 26, 2007 9:07 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phil...

You can stay connected to AOL and Open IE without any problems.

I am uncertain as to why some are having problems accessing the site still.

I have been following the situation and there still doesn't appear to be anything wrong at our end that I can change to make it accessible.

Author:  Karaoke Kelley [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 7:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phil...

webguru @ Tue Jun 26, 2007 12:07 pm wrote:
[highlight=crimson]You can stay connected to AOL and Open IE without any problems.[/highlight]
I am uncertain as to why some are having problems accessing the site still.

I have been following the situation and there still doesn't appear to be anything wrong at our end that I can change to make it accessible.

I realise this. I want it the way I used to have it .I didnt have to open explorer at all that way. What are you doing to "follow" the situation exactly ? Have you contacted AOL about it ? I dunno what to do....youre the guru ! LOL Thanks for trying

Author:  planet_bill [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 10:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Phil...

This isn't just AOL or an Internet Explorer issue. I use Time Warner / Roadrunner and Firefox and I still can't connect. Surely this has gone on long enough. Please find an answer to this Phil. Please ensure my IP is not blocked. If it's network - at least have your techs identify the source of the network outage and when sources say it should be fixed. To just say it's not on your end when it is the only site I am having problems with is not enough IMO. There's definitely a widespread problem with access to your site for some reason and it should be possible to identify this and let us all know. Your web host should be able to provide this information and assistance to you.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 12:24 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phil...

This isn't just AOL or an Internet Explorer issue. I use Time Warner

All the more reason to believe this site has no control of a block put on it by
America Online- Time Warner
(I believe America Online is still their subsidiary)
They merged 2000.  Timer Warner would likely repeat thru America Online communication sites. Would it not ?

Everything points to something that at one point caused America Online to auto-block Karaoke-Forum domain.

Seems that a call to the proper America Online dept might clear this up.  Of course that might take a full afternoon if not longer.  Perhaps even thats been attempted. Don't know.

Author:  Foxe [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 3:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phil...

Speaking from experience...

it's always more useful for the customer experiencing the problem to call the provider and explain the situation..

Particularly in situations like Kelley's.. where she CAN get to the site using IE.. but not on AOL's services...

For Phill to call it does basically no good.. as he is NOT their customer.. and is basically "nobody" to them..  anyone from KS or SS administration that might call would be blown off more than likely..  AOL owes them "nothing"..

also .. there is zero trouble shooting that AOL can do with Phill to compare the two different services IE versus AOL when Phill's not the one using AOL.

and only one person calling the ISP or AOL or whomever really doesn't make as big of an impact as EVERYONE having a problem calling does. When I have 10 people calling me saying they are having the same problem.. well it makes it known it's a bigger problem than just one person and I get a lot more data off comparing each person's experiences.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Wed Jun 27, 2007 5:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Phil...

Yeah,   I'll give Steve Case a call tomorrow.  He owes me money anyway !

It makes sense that an America Online customer would have better results calling and inquiring as to why they suddenly, and steadily haven't been able to access this site.  Tech support might be able to give some info on the spot to an AOL customer. Likely a paying AOL customer will get better results than those of us that are free AOL users.

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