jdmeister @ Sun Oct 19, 2008 8:29 am wrote:
And Phill, posting pictures is impossible these days.
I tried posting a very small image, 300k, and was informed I had already used my 3 meg maximum allowed.
It's been that way for a year or so..
And linking to an offsite picture host. Why is there a limit? Earlier I could post a handful, now, one and it chokes.
Who is this guy, and why is he such a pain in the kazoo?
In your control panel click '
attachment' and check how many attachments you have (4th link down directly above
'your gallery'. You may want to delete some. This could be the reason. Everyone is allowed so many megs. Everytime you post a pic it saves in your attachments. This may be the cause for it saying you used your max allowed.