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Configuration for Portable, Battery Operated System for Evening/Night Bonfire Site???
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Author:  Mike T [ Sun Jun 10, 2007 9:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Configuration for Portable, Battery Operated System for Evening/Night Bonfire Site???

I'm a Newbee to the world of Karaoke Equipment I would appreciate any advise as to:
- Where and
- How to
come up to speed on the
- Technology,
- Equipment and
- Sources
that could help me
- configure and
- purchase
a battery powered system to be used for
- groups of 25-75 people in an
- open field /  :wave: bonfire setting for a
- sing along and Karaoke.
for 2 - 4 hour session.

Many Thanks for any guidance  :handshake: !!!
Mike T

Author:  mckyj57 [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 4:21 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Configuration for Portable, Battery Operated System for Evening/Night Bonfire Site???

I know of nothing battery-powered that will provide real gig power.

For an outside gig for that many people, where they might be having any conversation at all, you simply cannot find anything. You would need a couple of hundreds watts minimum to even make an impression, and that number of watts for any period of time would require multiple car batteries worth of power.

You can find some things which will provide at least some support for a quiet audience:


I don't know where you can rent this one:

  http://www.pyleaudio.com/itemdetail.asp ... PWMA950CSD

I wouldn't count on either unit giving you battery power for any significant period at a high volume -- rechargeable batteries have a long history of disappointing their users.

I suggest you look into getting some power, either with a generator or arranging a different location. Or simply go battery-powered and accept its limitations, which are basically that everyone has to gather around and shut up. 8-)

Author:  Tony [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 5:19 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Configuration for Portable, Battery Operated System for Evening/Night Bonfire Site???

A generator is the only way to go if there is no power available. There are numerous "silent" generators on the market today. Batteries wont work, because you will need to convert the DC to AC, which is expensive, and you won't have enough power available in batteries, unless you have a big rig full of them. Still, it won't last long.

Author:  jdmeister [ Mon Jun 11, 2007 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Configuration for Portable, Battery Operated System for Evening/Night Bonfire Site???

I only have two words for you...


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