Don't listen to JD, Ever since he moved into the loft apartment over his Aunts garage, and took the job feeding her horse he's been on this deluded kick that he's quite important. He got a used Yorxx 8-track at a tagsale, and a plastic microphone, and ever since that unfortunate incident that left a hoofmark in his forhead he's been sending these photo's around to advertise his studio as well as posting phone numbers all over the internet. Sad but true
Sorry, couldn't resist.
Kidding aside, that's what I used to love about the CAVS JB-199 and 99 series, they had a tape player on them, and the balance was quite good IMHO, you would go direct to tape, and also be able to EQ the machine.. Not sure if this is supposed to be done (regarding taping), legalities, etc ..NOR do I wish to go there, but I really liked the blend and balance on those machines and they were simple to use. Of course I used to go into a studio room as well, and essentially it was one of these machines, the large jukebox with several microphones and a pushbutton selection of 1000's of songs... I don't know what an actual "Karaoke studio is", but it sounds interesting. Not sure what the price and sound quality would be