I have a voice recital coming up and I'm going to sing After 7 Not enough Hours in the Night.
If you have a voice recital, your instructor is the person who can best advise you about such issues. Have you heard your singing on a tape recorder yet ? What are you basing your ability or lack of ability on ? How you think you sound at the exact time you are singing ? Thats not an accurate guage most of the time. Have you actually recorded you voice ? Have you had others act as objective ears for you ? There's alot involved. What don't you like ? Assuming you have heard yourself singing on a playback device and you like the singing quality of your voice a cappella, you might have a problem with pitch matching, tempo etc, and integrating your vocals with a composition. What is it you do, and do not like ? What are the differences you think exist between your solo voice, and accompanying voice ? Unless you are specific it's tough to understand what you do and do not specifically have problems with assuming you do in fact have problems.
We often don't hear ourselves as others perceive us to sound. Which can be good, BUT can also not be that good assuming theirs a pitch problem, tempo problem, etc.
When you sing with others you must listen carefully. You must match their timing and tonality. There's really little forgiveness.. you need to focus more carefully on accuracy. Especially when "them" is a recording.. They aren't going to compromise if you are rushing the tempo. behind, having a tough time pitch matching, etc. You have more variables to concentrate on. You need to be specific about what the problem is in your opinion.