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Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?
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Author:  cpmame [ Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:11 am ]
Post subject:  Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?

Hi all,

Would there be any vocal improvement if I use external vocal FX processor such as the Lexicon MPX100 (or even the MX200) rather than with the build-in FX within the Yamaha MG8/2FX mixer?


Author:  Lonman [ Mon Apr 09, 2007 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?

The lower model Lexicons you may not actually hear a huge difference, the higer models you would - digital effects have come a long way though so even the lower models & built in models are pretty decent.  Just make sure with any effect, you don't actually hear the effect (overpowering the singer) but would notice if the effect weren't there.

Author:  cpmame [ Mon Apr 09, 2007 11:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?

Thanks for your reply Lonman. I believe my yamaha MGFX could not produce something like this on vocal http://www.emu.com/products/product.asp?category=505&subcategory=491&product=10447. Please scroll down to hear the mp3 sample especially on the vocal part. It seems like they cascade multiple FX in series which I think making it sounds really good.

I seriously doubt that my MGFX mixer could do that, so is the Lexicon MPX100 capable of reaching that effect or do I need a better model?


Author:  Lonman [ Mon Apr 09, 2007 12:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?

All they are doing is using a couple different processors (they are using all computer dsp's) & running the trail of the delay into the reverb for a multi layer effect.  Most single processor units (non-computerized) are not capable of this, but 2 individual processors are (there are a couple that have multi layering capability & the ability to daisy chain, but the output configurations are limited).  This same type of effect can be achieved by bypassing the standard EFX send/return channel and using the EFX send & running the return back into a channel strip - this is for the external processor.  Once there, you can send the secondary effect (internal processor) to that effect.  It is a more complex way to get a specialized effect, but once you learn what each effect does, you will be able to mix them & make them work togetherr.

Author:  metalgod [ Tue Apr 10, 2007 11:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?

I have both on seperate systems and I dont which i like better. They both do the trick.

Author:  cpmame [ Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:12 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?

So I guess it would be a lot simpler if I just a computer sound card then since it is a lot cheaper...

Any better sound card to that does the job well to recommend? I heard about EMU, M-Audio and ESI... for those who has experience which one is a better choice?


Author:  Lonman [ Wed Apr 11, 2007 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?

cpmame @ Wed Apr 11, 2007 10:12 am wrote:
So I guess it would be a lot simpler if I just a computer sound card then since it is a lot cheaper...

Any better sound card to that does the job well to recommend? I heard about EMU, M-Audio and ESI... for those who has experience which one is a better choice?


It's not just the sound card - there are other considerations - the program they were using is a large key not to mention the experience of the sound engineer running it, not to say you couldn't learn to do it, but I didn't mean for you to think it was just as easy as changing out a sound card & getting those results.

NOW, as far as sound cards go, I run the M-Audio Audiophile 192 64 bit card, but there are several really nice sound cards out there designed for recording & playback.  THis is a very nice card for both recording & playback - I use it in my karaoke computer for playback only.  Balanced ins/outs for semi-pro to professional use.  Under $200 & blows my $120 Soundblaster out of the water as far as sound quality.

Author:  cpmame [ Wed Apr 11, 2007 5:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?

Hi Lonman, did you try cascade multi-layer effect in live vocal channel? Is it good enough for Live? All sound card for the pro-audio like this, claim "zero-latency" so does this applicable to live vocal?


Author:  Lonman [ Wed Apr 11, 2007 7:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?

Well honestly I shy away from computer recording as a rule because I like my processors.  The program I have tried & likes was the Mackie Tracktion.  THis does allow for multiple layered effect.  I have a sub in the SS Man In The Box that I used a reverb delay combo.

Author:  cpmame [ Wed Apr 11, 2007 9:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Is Lexicon vocal effect any better than the Yamaha MG8/2FX build-in effect?

thanks a lot lonman... :)

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