Had my first gathering of karaoke with my friends in my basement. Had a good time in general. Although a weird thing happened and was wondering if someone can shed some light.
I use the Phonic 620 powerpod.
http://www.musiciansfriend.com/product/ ... c=3SOSWXXA
For the gathering, I had the main, each mic channel, and music set to about half way in volume. (3 mics, and connected my laptop to one of the channels with line 1 and 2 ins) Tested the sounds... and everything seemed fine.
Just to make sure i'm connecting my speakers correctly... I have my mixer amp switched to main/main mode. Then I connected my 2 speakers to the main 1's A and B input. My speakers also have 2 inputs... does it matter where I plug the cord in?
On occasion (I think this happened 3 times) The music would just mute itself... (I think there were vocals left) The only solution i thought of was turning off the amp and turning it back on.. and the music would come back. Is this because I have 2 powerstrips plugged into the same outlet? (although one strip was only powering the power mixer, while the other was powering a computer and the laptop) Or is this a overheat thing... i read somewhere that some power mixer shuts itself off? (But it's very well ventilated)
It seems that when I had the 2 power strips on 2 different outlets.... nothing of this sort happened. (at the same volume level)
2nd question. Just out of curiosity if I purchase a power amp.. is it possible to combine the power of the power mixer itself plus the power amp's to power the speakers?
Thanks for helping out this newbie.... it's a little annoying when your friends and you are having fun and the speakers just stop working...