On the paper speakers, (as opposed to polypropaline speakers) if they are stored and not used for a long time-span does lack of travel of speaker paper material shorten the life-span, (causing it to become brittle and crack before it would if broken in and the material subjected to movement on an ongoing basis) ? I have several speakers I store in boxes, I just don't currently use them, same as speakers in older cabs (they sit), must speakers be used to last ? or doesn't it matter whether paper speaker material is stored or used ? Assuming I have JBLs, Jensens, Celestian's that I have boxed and stored in a well balanced environment (with not too much heat or humidity) is older speaker paper material prone to faster degredation when not used ?
My reason for adding this is some of the older speakers (such as Jensen golds) and JBL's, aren't something I particularly wish to sell (at least yet), HOWEVER if in storing them they will just fall apart, I will need to sell these. Not everything can endure being stored, hence it's of little value to me *now*, and if it won't last, I might as well let somebody get these who will use them before they fall apart.
_________________ Northeast United States runner up for the "Singing Hall of Shame".