Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

In MY opinion.......
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Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:25 am ]
Post subject:  In MY opinion.......

To stop the freakin' insanity here....

The "critique" option needs to go ba-bye:)

This dam.ned bickering is not going to stop. I mean, come on, I can't very well travel the country and whup every single butt that needs it. (bear with me, a bit of humor...)

Most agree that no "real" critique is given here anyhow. Very rarely, and usually only for spite. I honestly believe, when a "new" member pops up (not THAT kind of "member".... though I can tell ya what causes those to pop up as well, if you don't already know)  :D ..... I think these new members are simply second identities for someone here who does not have the balls (tits, whatever) to stand up and say what they think. Perhaps they get jealous that a few others who sing the same style are getting more/better comments..... so they go undercover to attack them. If you don't have the guts to say it out loud under your REAL name.... then shut UP.

Whatever the heck it is, it's about to make me puke. I'm SO sick of every time I sign on here SOMEbody else has a bytch thread started, ALWAYS regarding a "critique" or a "snide comment". Or I get a bit of time on SS... and people are sniping everywhere so badly, I have to duck while I'm uploading my song. Grow UP people....

I just think if the option to "critique" was gone totally.. no *C* category, no golden numbers.... that this would calm down. It's all about the danged big ol' 10.

Anyone who wants it badly enough, can ask people in their sub to PM it to them.

And yes..... I did have a bad weekend matter of fact, thanks for asking:)


Author:  Chuck2 [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

Hi Charmin. Can you tell us how you really feel or are you going to keep beating around the bush like this? LMAO

Is there any way we can just put all this crap to rest?

I have decided to just start ignoring people who continue to keep this attitude alive.  No one can win in this kind of fight.

Author:  Karaoke Kelley [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

I soo agree with you Charmin ! There are soo many inflated egos on this site that think they are the best when daggum its KARAOKE !! IF you truly believe you ARE the best go to a pro site !! Write your own songs & make millions of $$ just leave the poor KARAOKE singers alone !! BUT...everyone has the right to their opinion on who this LX is ( i personally could give 2 squats) I dont think people need to be critiqued by anyone, as long as they are happy with how their subs turn out that should be enough. Sooo What Im getting at is if you dont want a critique DONT ASK FOR THEM !! What the heck is a 10 rating at a KARAOKE site anyways ???!!!

PS sorry you had a bad weekend ! It'll be better this week !! :)

Author:  Flipper [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

LMAO Now that was funny LMAO  

Chuck you crack me up man LOL  :worship:

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

It's a new serial show called "CHARMIN' PLACE"  kinda like the old "PEYTON PLACE" but far more entertaining and amusing!!!!



Author:  dennis [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

IMHO anything that has the effect of getting people to argue on a site such as this, doesn't need to be here. i don't mind critics, heck i work for one evry day he is my director :) but then he also pay me to take his critisism, but i hate that we can't seem to get along here. i love to listen to everyone the different songs and the rendidtions. i have made some good friends here also. hate to lose that over something so silly and frivilous
ok oh and charmin hun if you had a bad weekend , come here dear so i cn squeeze ya, heck come here even if ya had a good weekend i just like squeezen ya  :hug:

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

SwingcatKurt @ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:36 am wrote:
It's a new serial show called "CHARMIN' PLACE"  kinda like the old "PEYTON PLACE" but far more entertaining and amusing!!!!

Ummm....... Kurt, YOU are close enough that I very well could drive over and dish out a whuppin':)

Matter of fact, you too Flipper.  :whistle:

Chuck, don't get me started... that is SO not the best I can do.

Kelley... I have nothing against Listener X, nor was this thread primarily about that person. I agreed with their comments at first, then saw a trend... and wrote them off as a person with a grudge, and a couple of buddies here. They no longer hold my attention.

I just DON'T GET IT..... People ask for a critique, they whine when they get one 90% of the time. Even the best singers here are NOT going to turn out perfect subs every time.  Problem is... you don't know what to believe when you sub for critique. You don't know if you're being fluffed so you'll return good comments, or if a true critique you get is someone in hiding who has a grudge against you.  There's different sides to this critique thing, and their all biased and retarded:)

So, if that option goes ba-bye, it's all done with.

And, thank you, I'm betting next weekend will be better than this one was:) But, having said that... no, I'm not "taking my anger out in the forums". I just meant, I'm more in the mood to speak my mind than be "mizz nicey nice". (have I ever been that anyhow?) Ah well. :wave:


Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

dennis @ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:45 am wrote:
ok oh and charmin hun if you had a bad weekend , come here dear so i cn squeeze ya, heck come here even if ya had a good weekend i just like squeezen ya  :hug:

Sure Dennis.... Yes, I could use a sqeezin'..... I do live up to my name from time to time:)  TY sweetie:)

And I agree with your statement. It causes so much bickering, it's like a room full of toddlers arguing over the same toy. Take it away, and everyone moves on and the arguing stops.

We all SAY we are here for fun. So why have that option anyhow. These days, clicking that button is like playing Russian Roulettte.

EDIT: Wait, nope. I'm not done yet. haha
This is the thing:

*You don't know WHO really wants a true critique, it's hard to tell. You gotta play "touchy feely" (again, c'mere Dennis and I'll show ya that game) :D (kidding ya)
There ARE those who want true critiques, but it changes from time to time. I've seen people take critique very well, then all of a sudden bite someone's head off for giving them one.

*You don't know what to believe that people tell you. I've said this before, I'll say it again... I've subbed songs before (JFF only) and gotten glorious praise... only to be told by a friend who has a very good musical ear, that I was off pitch throughout the song. What good did all that fluff do me? I'd rather people say "been here, listened in, hi Charmin" than go t extremes lying to me about how I sang. Then, if I happen to do a song my best... suppose someone who doesn't like me comes along and says I was "pitchy". See what I mean? You just can't tell. It's much better to have a few honest friends critique you in private. They will be honest, there's no worries about who else reads it... and you find out what you need to know. Feelings and critiques should NOT co-mingle. (other than, people keeping it humane and tactful)

I better be done now:)


Author:  Karaoke Kelley [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

Kelley... I have nothing against Listener X, nor was this thread primarily about that person. I agreed with their comments at first, then saw a trend... and wrote them off as a person with a grudge, and a couple of buddies here. They no longer hold my attention.

I think thats the best thing for everyone to do myself.

People ask for a critique, they whine when they get one 90% of the time. Even the best singers here are NOT going to turn out perfect subs every time

My thoughts exactly !! Like I said in another forum: Lets face it if all of us were as good as we think ourselves to be we would NOT be at a karaoke website spreading our glory, we would be at a recording studio with our managers raking in the dough !!  I do also recognise that there IS MAJOR talent here too though.

Author:  billy d [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

Charmin....if it wasn't for second and third identities, there'd only be me, you and Chuck on this site.....even Phill isn't real..... LMAO ......Y....because I like you

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

Listener Y @ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:59 am wrote:
Charmin....if it wasn't for second and third identities, there'd only be me, you and Chuck on this site.....even  isn't real..... LMAO ......Y....because I like you

Oh, but maybe Charmin HAS a second identity too? Ya ever think of that?  :D
Nope, I don't. I'm just simple ol' me... what you see is what you get. I have no reasons to hide here nor anywhere else.

I'm not sure who you are Listener Y... surely you can't be any relation to Listener X? That must just be a coincidence? :drunk:

So are you a guy or gal? (atleast lie to me and say you're a guy... preferably a single one...) If not, do you by chance have a single good lookin' cousin somewhere? Maybe by the name of Listener Z?  :D

But you DO have the right to speak your mind... as you should:)


Author:  Chuck2 [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

Flipper @ Mon Jan 15, 2007 1:36 pm wrote:
LMAO Now that was funny LMAO  

Chuck you crack me up man LOL  :worship:

Thanks Flipper.

Charmin, please check you messages.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:09 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

Chuck2 @ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:05 pm wrote:

Charmin, please check you messages.

Right back at ya..... read and answered:)  :hug:


Author:  billy d [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:14 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

I came after X.... LMAO ....not related.....I come in peace.....I'm not hiding....I'm expanding......I am a hermorphadite.........Y

Author:  Odie [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

BlueStainedShoes @ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:05 pm wrote:
Listener Y @ Mon Jan 15, 2007 11:59 am wrote:
Charmin....if it wasn't for second and third identities, there'd only be me, you and Chuck on this site.....even  isn't real..... LMAO ......Y....because I like you

Oh, but maybe Charmin HAS a second identity too? Ya ever think of that?  :D
Nope, I don't. I'm just simple ol' me... what you see is what you get. I have no reasons to hide here nor anywhere else.

I'm not sure who you are Listener Y... surely you can't be any relation to Listener X? That must just be a coincidence? :drunk:

So are you a guy or gal? (atleast lie to me and say you're a guy... preferably a single one...) If not, do you by chance have a single good lookin' cousin somewhere? Maybe by the name of Listener Z?  :D

But you DO have the right to speak your mind... as you should:)


Now we're talkin'!!! OK, I NEVER thought I'd have to say this, but maybe it's time to get back to some seriously silly flirting threads over here again.  It's VERY difficult to flirt and do character assassinations at the same time (although a couple people were able to do that once, ha,ha).  :)

Author:  billy d [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

I second that emotion.......... :wave:

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

Listener Y @ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:14 pm wrote:
I came after X.... LMAO ....not related.....I come in peace.....I'm not hiding....I'm expanding......

You trying to tell me you are a good guy? (or, er... good hermorphadite?) For some reason... I'm just.... not.... believing ya. But I'll give you the benefit of the doubt. (not that you care) But I will anyhow. Atleast maybe I can befriend... ummm... half of you? haha

I am a hermorphadite.........Y

Well, then I guess you don't need ME... nor, uh, anyone else for that matter:) You seem to have it all.  LMAO


Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

Odie @ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:17 pm wrote:

Now we're talkin'!!! OK, I NEVER thought I'd have to say this, but maybe it's time to get back to some seriously silly flirting threads over here again.  It's VERY difficult to flirt and do character assassinations at the same time (although a couple people were able to do that once, ha,ha).  :)

What Odie? Are you telling me to just "shut up and flirt"? Cause I can do that yanno:)

G'morning to ya.  :wave:


Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

Charm has second identity..............Soooooooooooooooooo which Charm did I  meet at Denny's????  

DR. Charm or Miss Charm-HYDE???????

And..........you can drive right over now and give me that whuppin.........but only if you PROMISE to put me over your knees and WHUP MY BARE AZZ!!!!!!

Better bring a HICKORY SWITCH with you too!!!  Cause I want u to LEAVE WELTS!!!!


Author:  twansenne [ Mon Jan 15, 2007 12:26 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: In MY opinion.......

I do occasionaly listen to SS subs, but don't comment on them, casue most of the times (there are exceptions) the sub is compleatly laughable.

On that not, isn't there a special forum for SS comments/bickering/chat....

Still trying to figure it out, we get the lounge to tidy up a bit, and now the karaoke forum is munged up with people bickering about SS. :banghead:  :banghead:
Lon, clean up this mess....LOL

now FLAME away @ me :ppfftt:  :ppfftt:  :ppfftt:

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