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A failure to communicate during setup comparison
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Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Dec 31, 2006 10:08 am ]
Post subject:  A failure to communicate during setup comparison

Hey All,

    Something hit me while reading over a few posts, and viewing a few exchanges. Exchanges of advice that for me just wouldn't work in my location given bar type     -and while I might be quick to think " What kind of idea is that" ? What I'm not often even considering is YOUR setting.  While "bar" "nightclub", and "entertainer" generally are concepts we all understand. Venue structures when not specified differ vastly and must be approached accordingly regarding equipment setup and type. Many work in VERY different environments. Some very small rural bars, some large converted skating rinks filled with a younger rock loving crowd. Depending on a persons geographics, venue area (SIZE and structure <---Very important), ie building "allowable" capacity (which might often end up exceded) with over 500 youngsters running all over the place weekend nights peak bar periods can't be lumped as comparable to the quaint tiny coffeehouse... How can we discuss PA setup and speaker tweaking, what suits a KJ best, proper placement of cabs, best cabsize, appropriate power amps, and ANYTHING about configurations when we know just screen-names but don't specify;

Name:    John Doe
Work:     KJ--Northeast Large city--Nightclub (rowdy younger crowd)
Place of work:    (converted bowling alley) 15,000 sq ft. 3 peninsula bars and arena stage in center. Open alley throughout.  
Capacity crowd:    400- exceded weekend nights

Get my drift ?

This DOES matter when understanding what might work best for YOU, vs ME..

Example,  there are only two bars still in existence in my area (within a 20 mile radius) that still have Karaoke at all.  One building is 8500 sq ft, and PACKED (well over 300) however the bar itself (restaurant) has 5 small rooms. The KJ works on a stage in a room roughly 60 feet by 60 feet.  The other club is well over 14,000 sq feet, excedes 500 people (get's busted by fire marshall quite often of course) and is a tough tough setup for a soundperson let alone a KJ..

So,  wouldn't this be beneficial in tech type forums for people to know about one-another in order to compare apples to apples ?

Author:  karyoker [ Sun Dec 31, 2006 10:33 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we compare setups and equipment there's a very important aspect I don't see mentioned

I agree As long as there is plenty of bass young crowds could care less about anything else.. Oftentimes the only ones paying attention to music quality are the non singers sitting at the bar.. Each venue and crowd takes different talents.. So  put everything neatly into little pockets of dos and donts..

The ones that are so adamant about little things I invite you out to do my annual outdoor all nighter with the Sons of Silence bikers club.. As long as plenty of beer etc and noise they could care less about rotation or anything else. Hell you could put up a big screen with MTV on it and hand them a wirelless mic and theyd be happy...

I think everybodies first gig should be outside then they would know what their system really sounds like.. And then they would learn how to adapt to different venues...

Author:  mckyj57 [ Sun Dec 31, 2006 12:54 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we compare setups and equipment there's a very important aspect I don't see mentioned

Steven, I really like your posts, and I recognize you are very senior to me here. But with your graphic in the sig so wide, it tends to make the wrap width wide enough to cause scroll bars on my browser.

Any way you could reduce the size of your graphics?

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Dec 31, 2006 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we compare setups and equipment there's a very important aspect I don't see mentioned

Steven, I really like your posts, and I recognize you are very senior to me here.

In my eyes we are ALL equal here.  I have no seniority -and thank you for informing me of this.  I will do as you state.  Quite honestly, I wasn't aware of this until you informing me of this. Can somebody kindly either post here, or PM me what I do ?  Is this an adjustment I make in my User control panel here in Karaoke Scene ?  Or is this an adjustment I need to make on my computer ?  Thanks !   Much appreciated !!

Quote honestly, I too was getting annoyed at the person who kept stretching these post boxes LMAO .  So I apologise to all for my lack of awareness that it was me doing it.  I think you also solved the reason I constantly receive "Internet Script Error" messages.  Let me check my control panel,  something must've somehow changed during a "supposed" upgrade.

Author:  robdogkaraoke [ Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we compare setups and equipment there's a very important aspect I don't see mentioned

Steven it's just all the smoke coming off your fingers while your speed typing that messes with your computer graphics. j/k  LMAO

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Dec 31, 2006 3:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we compare setups and equipment there's a very important aspect I don't see mentioned

Oh,  I thought it was that DL I did over in <edited out've respect for tech forum> liberal ballet on streaming broadband.

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Sun Dec 31, 2006 8:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we compare setups and equipment there's a very important aspect I don't see mentioned

robdogkaraoke @ Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:19 am wrote:
Steven it's just all the smoke coming off your fingers while your speed typing that messes with your computer graphics. j/k  LMAO

LMAO very good Happy new year RD

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Dec 31, 2006 9:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we compare setups and equipment there's a very important aspect I don't see mentioned

Yes,  Happy New Year all !

Author:  robdogkaraoke [ Mon Jan 01, 2007 2:03 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we comparing setups.

Happy New Year To All :dancin:

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon Jan 01, 2007 11:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we comparing setups.

OK, But with your graphic in the sig so wide, it tends to make the wrap width wide enough to cause scroll bars on my browser.

AH !  Now that I can understand.  Thanks, and done.

Author:  Guest [ Mon Jan 01, 2007 3:38 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we comparing setups.

Isn't that a matter of the amount of pixcels (whatever) you have you monitor set at?

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Mon Jan 01, 2007 4:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A failure to communicate. When we comparing setups.

Bigdog,  you might have a point.  Is it possible for my own setting to cause problems on another persons browser ?  or is that a matter of his own system setting ?
(assuming that is what you were referring to)

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