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burning cd+g to play on a hardware player
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Author:  superwull66 [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  burning cd+g to play on a hardware player

i am running xp and my drive supports cd+g burning, my probelm is i have downloaded some albums from the internet, they are mp3 cdg files, when i burn them onto disc they play on my pc karaoke player but on my hardware player which is a cd+g machine, the files play as mp3s and don't display any graphics, just plays like a normal audio cdusing goodmans dvd2221k player, encoding with power iso to make bin and cue files then using nero 6 to burn the disc via the cue file but doesn,t seem to work at all, has anyone any ideas?

Author:  knightshow [ Sun Dec 17, 2006 10:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: burning cd+g to play on a hardware player

well, welcome to the site.

However, I'm not going to give you the information you need... downloads? I doubt they are legal ones! Usually those few sites that do will have the information for you to enjoy your purchased product at home on a player...

this site is sponsored by karaoke retailers, and they frown seriously on ways of ripping off the karaoke manufacturers. We've already lost a couple of the smaller manus due to piracy and the complications therein.

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