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A smiley story
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Author:  Isis [ Tue Dec 12, 2006 6:06 pm ]
Post subject:  A smiley story

Make a story using smileys..Here is my try at it...

Once upon time I was a  :cowboy:  but I wasn't a very good one so I had to  :giveup: .  I then became professional  :read: , but that didn't work out, I became the  :dunce: and decided to be a  :doctor: instead bcause they just aren't as smart as one would think.  In my spare time I would practice the football huddle  :grouphug: for no apparent reason.  But that got old after a while.  So I took to  :drinklaugh: which is not easy to do by yourself so I had to start brining a friend with me  :beermates:  But then I woke up and realiized it had all been a dream and I decided I should go  :dancin: .

Author:  WolfMan [ Tue Dec 12, 2006 10:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A smiley story

Once upon a time I met a beautiful woman and I tried to give her a big :hug:
She made me feel happy as if it was my  :happybday:   I even offered to be real good  :beermates: with her, But instead she  :roll: and ignored me.   Trying to win her friendship was like :banghead: against a huge brick wall.  It made me feel like a  :dunce: and so I finally realized it was time that  :giveup:

This  :cowboy: is now  :looney: and wonders where the  :party: is?? Geeeezz it don't seem to be here!!! Wow!!!! was I ever :looney: for thinking such a thing!!!!  LOL

I thought I had a real good  :ideagrin: But instead it put everyone to  :sleep:   Now Im bored as a  :baby1: and if anyone has any  :ideagrin: Then Im  :allears: .

I really wanted to have a  :party: but it seems as though I make the women here  :puke: . I don't understand why though because Im really not out of  :order: anymore than anyone else here.  Maybe I should  :read: a book about this subject, but I don't think it would help in this situation. Maybe I should just  :pray:

When making an effort to  :hug: the women here, I noticed that they seem to  :grumble: too much about it.  Im now thinking that this is a bad dream where I have entered a strange place full of  :dunce: 's and  :bouncer: 's who like to flirt with only those who are  :drunk: or  :D in a odd kind of way  LOL

So for now Im  :madgo: I simply have no choice So  :giveup:

It has been fun trying while it lasted, but as you can see by my avatar Im feeling rather sick about all this so now I feel like I need to  :puke: !!!!  So much for trying to be fun and have a  :party: !!!!

Thanks , but no thanks...It gets old feeling like a :dunce:  :withstupid:  So maybe I'll leave and come back in a few years to see if things get any better, but I really don't think it ever will!!!!  LMAO  :O

As you can see by my Avatar Im feeling rather dead at the moment and therefore I dont feel like  :dancin: anymore  :(

Author:  Karaoke Kelley [ Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A smiley story

Jesse that was funny ! I hope it was JUST a story...I felt bad for you at the end ! I'll  :hug:  you  :)

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Tue Dec 12, 2006 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: A smiley story

Jesse you ever leave and I will hunt you down and stick pins in the nether regions of a doll that looks just like you

I cant write story cos I dont have enuff smilies and no-one has explained how to add the lil blighters

Author:  WolfMan [ Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: A smiley story

Thank you Kelley  :hug: you  are special!!!  :hug:  

Sorry Isis...I did not mean to hijack your thread, I will leave now.  LMAO

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