Well this ol man has spent hours and hours the last couple of weeks struggling with linux. It’s a 2 edged sword learning linux and trying to install windows programs into it. Ive downloaded the 6 disc sarge 3.1 set and installed 42 times on a couple of different machines finally learned how to detect and make different video brds to work. Next will be dual head I don’t think it will be that hard I have downloaded some linux ATI drivers havnt tried them yet..
Here is a screen shot of a desktop with just windows winamp installed (etch)
Winamp playing
With an install of Roxbox I getting the following error
Frank the rox developer of rox has it working on ubantu He says the sound is crappy On this one I cant tell the difference between this and windows….
Im back to basics learning stuff I should have learned to start with But right now Ive downloaded and installed the latest Sun Systems JRE (Java Run Time) Next will be Openoffice org2 which they say you can access mdb and mde files….
It s not easy LOL