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Crazy New England Weather. One day 70 degree's 12 hour later 10 degree's with sub-0 windchill.
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Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Sun Dec 10, 2006 9:51 am ]
Post subject:  Crazy New England Weather. One day 70 degree's 12 hour later 10 degree's with sub-0 windchill.

It's rediculous how schizy the weather is.  Not to mention that Winter is almost here, and with the indecisive weather patterns we've been having here in New England it's a pretty uncomfortable place to live.  Not to mention the migratory patterns of wild-life due to the global warming.  Things are no longer safe.  This photo was taken in West Hartford 2-11-03.  My poor cousin died a few days after the attack.  


Problem is,  My New born nephew was at the livingroom window when the attack took place.  The trauma of witnessing such a horrid episode has caused some likely emotionally scarring.  The kid appears to be displaying early signs of anger issues !


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