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New Years Eve
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Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:07 am ]
Post subject:  New Years Eve

I just booked New Years Eve at the bar I host Karaoke every Saturday.

Although New Years Eve will not be advertised as a KARAOKE night , everyone knows I always offer Karaoke when I'm at the bar KJ/dj'ing.

What are some of the "FUN and CRAZY" things you have seen in the past New Years Eve  ( from a Music/KJ/entertainer ) perspective that I can do ?

One thing I was thinkin is do some type of crowd singing competition where as half the place sings one part of a song and the other part sings another to see who sings loudest --or something like that .  ANY SUGGESTIONS FOR SONGS? or other IDEAS?  

I'll also play some KNOWN party songs and just let my CHEAP dual wireless mics go in the crowd --Knowing I won't get them back in 1 piece lol

Author:  Babs [ Mon Dec 04, 2006 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve

I don't usually do anything different for New Years. People tend to really want to party hard on that holiday. They get a little to crazy all on their own.  LMAO I am more worried about crowd control than anything.

The sing a long idea is a ggod one though. When I have the right crowd for it I usually break it up into, the tables, the bar and the back of the bar. I make them practice first by calling out their designated area then having them answer with a yahoo.  :hug:

Author:  Guest [ Mon Dec 04, 2006 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: New Years Eve

The few bar owners that I've worked for, would always get mad at me because I would never do Newyears(or Haloween)...Always had my own parties, and most of the time would rent a small hall....had a church hall, that didn't care what time we finished, usually 100 people or so, and always allowed children(kids like New Years too).....any way for the millineum, a fully decked swat team payed us a visit about 1a.m.....lucky for me a couple of them were friends of mine.....their only complaint, after seeing all the food we had, was they wish I had let them know I was having the party, so they could have come by earlier and ate.....it was a real compliment to have a swat team called out to my party....lol......I haven't made any plans for this Newyears, I've turned down so many gigs, no one calls me anymore.....does it mean I'm getting old, when I'm happy when the phone doesn't ring..... :)

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