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Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!
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Author:  bigjim56 [ Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!

Thought I would be smart and do an upgrade to the winamp which was working fine showing the lyrics and all, so I purchased WinampPRO 5.3, now I've lost the lyrics screen...WTF?!  Have Sax & Dotty for use also, but their demo screen never did work...its just plain white. Downloaded Roxbox today, it plays songs using Winamp 5.3, but no lyrics screen either. Whichever one of these bad babies works easiest will be my hoster.

I've read that audiograbber (free DL) rips CDG files directly to the HD and automatically converts them to MP3's, is this true. What about naming and filing MP3's for later easy locating later (shows)?

Thanks for replies,


Author:  Texas Gigi [ Tue Nov 28, 2006 5:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!

Talk to chuck2. He isn't here right now but he's your man. We use Winamp and rip to MP3+G with Audiograbber. I will have him check this thread when he gets home.

He's out singing while I am at home sick. I would be jealous but I feel like caca warmed over and he deserves a night off from my high-maintenance self occasionally.  LOL

Author:  bigjim56 [ Tue Nov 28, 2006 6:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!

Thanks Texas Gigi,

Will search some threads for his avatar and send an IM. Thanks.
Hope you feel better soon.   :need hug:     We got a cold streak headed this way, a 30-40 degree temp. drop between Wednesday and Thursday.  BBBBRRRRRRRRR!


Author:  WolfMan [ Tue Nov 28, 2006 7:34 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!

I use winamp 2.91 and it works Great!!!  I tried a newer version once and the karaoke cdg plugin & key changer didnt work right, So I had to go back to using 2.91 again and have it set so that it wont ever try to update to a newer version.

I would rather stick with what works even if means using the old one. I too use audiograbber to rip to mp3+cdg, But I set the mp3 bit rate higher so that the sound Quality is still good...as in atleast 128kb....default is 56kb I think... which doesnt sound that good...So it's worth taking the time to go into the mp3 options to set it to rip at 128kb.

Just my :2cents:

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!

go to winamp.com, and search their plugins...

If I remember right, the new version of winamp installs in a new folder. You'll have to copy the one used for the window which I THINK is gensys.dll, and paste it in the new folder! If the upgrade deleted the old folder, then you need to redownload the cdg plugin!

Author:  Chuck2 [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 7:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!

I'm actually still kinda new to using Winamp but I agree with Knightshow.

Author:  bigjim56 [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 9:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!

Thanks for the replies, I'll do just that and get back to everyone.

I agree Jesse, its times like this that sticking with the old looks like the better option.
I paid for this already, I like the faster DL times, so I'm gonna try to make it work.

Thanks Knightshow, Chuck2, Texas Gigi...


Author:  knightshow [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!

you're more than welcome.

Remember, I have the OLDER version, and I never once regretted it. I've played around with the 5.x version one time, and hated it!

If you need the older one, let me know!

Author:  bigjim56 [ Wed Nov 29, 2006 5:39 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!

went to winamp.com, did a search, no luck. Left a service reply w/them to get back to me. Nothing yet. I looked thru their plug ins and downloded minilyrics. The screen pops up with WinampPRO, but now when I try to play a song they request me to find that songs lyrics on google. Its sad, its a nice looking plug in too! I hope Winamp gets back to me tomorrow, I like to make a little progress each day or I feel bad.

Thanks for the offer Knightshow, will keep it iin mind. Want to try to get this one to work first. Otherwise I will have wasted $$ too, then I'll feel DOUBLY bad.    LOL

Thanks everyone,


Author:  knightshow [ Thu Nov 30, 2006 5:14 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Upgraded to Winamp 5.3...lost the lyrics...WTF?!

jim, sometimes google or yahoo's search engine are your best friends.

I did a simple search for "winamp cdg plugin for karaoke" without the quotes...


And going directly to winamp, clicking on the top right search window, selecting Plug-ins, and going to the other, and type in CDG, you get the following link... with three plug ins... look at the rating!

http://www.winamp.com/plugins/browse.ph ... &query=cdg

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