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Anybody have any unique recipes?
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Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 9:22 am ]
Post subject:  Anybody have any unique recipes?

My family usually gets together for Christmas, but we all do our own thing for Thanksgiving. This year, a bunch of them (and.... I have a BUNCH of family here) decided to get together Thanksgiving this year too.

And, having the biggest house, with a music room... guess who got elected to host it? (da'mn it all)

But I thought it'd be cool to be able to throw a new recipe or two on the table, other than my usual stuff..... since so many people will be here to try it:)

(you know, fool 'em into thinking I really DO spend alot of time in the kitchen?)

Can't let my sisters show me up with what they bring. They will all be bringing stuff and of course I'll do the main turkey/ham/dressing stuff..... but I'd like to make one or two new things that'll make them leave and all their hubby's say "Hey, did you get that recipe from Charmin?".  LOL (quit laughin', I'm dead serious)

You see, it's never that way. When it comes to music stuff, they call on me. But when it comes to kitchen stuff....  LMAO .... No, I'd be the last one they'd call. Not that I don't cook... I just cook to feed my family, and don't care how fancy it is. I never bothered to learn to do creative stuff, I spend as little time in the kitchen as I can. But this is different, it's a holiday... so I can suffer the heat of the kitchen for a couple days of cooking.

Anybody got any good ones? (sweet ones are always best)  :D


Author:  Guest [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:21 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Yes. :yes:

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Bigdog @ Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:21 pm wrote:
Yes. :yes:

C'mere BigDog, so's my boot can get a better aim at your arse.

I WANT the recipe!!!

So give it to me..... NOW!!!

(or are you bluffing again? you don't really have one, do ya? you're bein' a know-it-all again.....)

And, I really don't like calling you by your screen name, so I'm gonna go back to what I first said.... I'm gonna have to call you BillyBob, since you wont share your name. Sounds close enough:)


Author:  Guest [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:41 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

BlueStainedShoes @ Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:22 am wrote:
Anybody got any good ones? (sweet ones are always best)  :D .

How about a quick and simple one - cranberry/orange relish?

1 package cranberries
1 medium navel orange
1 cup sugar (or 1 cup Serta for sugar free version)

Run cranberries and orange (everything...seeds and all) through grinder/food processor until same consistency as sweet pickle relish.  Stir in sugar.  Seal and place in refrigerator for 24 hours to allow flavors to blend.

Can be used on to sweeten turkey or, my favorite, as a topping on vanilla ice cream!

Author:  TTowntenor [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Nothing Thanksgiving related although we have brought it to T-Giving potlucks...it's a favorite & quick.

Prepare 3 cups Minute rice

Coarsley dice Chop 1 med onion
Dice 1 pound bacon
Mince a couple cloaves of garlic

Fry bacon & onion almost to the point of burning - bacon crisp, onion carmalized
Add garlic within last couple minutes.

Drain bacon grease.

Add rice, stir up, add Soy Sauce & 3 eggs lightly scrambled.
Stir up over med heat until eggs are cooked.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:56 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

dsharrow @ Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:41 pm wrote:
How about a quick and simple one - cranberry/orange relish?

1 package cranberries
1 medium navel orange
1 cup sugar (or 1 cup Serta for sugar free version)

Run cranberries and orange (everything...seeds and all) through grinder/food processor until same consistency as sweet pickle relish.  Stir in sugar.  Seal and place in refrigerator for 24 hours to allow flavors to blend.

Can be used on to sweeten turkey or, my favorite, as a topping on vanilla ice cream!

Ya know what, it sounds good to me. Heck, maybe I shoulda ate something today before I read these, cause everything is gonna sound good right about now:) lol
I like to carve the turkey in a platter, then dribble the juices and some more seasonging and stuff on it (i usually do a honey & light mustard & garlic spices blend).... and then I stick it back in the oven so it soaks up the taste. I don't like bland meat. I don't like bland ANYthing...... Charmin likes spicy & flavorful.
So maybe... that would make a good variation to what I usually use.
Okay, copied and pasted as (dsharrows cranberry orange relish) on my hard drive:)


Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

TTowntenor @ Tue Nov 21, 2006 2:51 pm wrote:
Nothing Thanksgiving related although we have brought it to T-Giving potlucks...it's a favorite & quick.

Prepare 3 cups Minute rice

Coarsley dice Chop 1 med onion
Dice 1 pound bacon
Mince a couple cloaves of garlic

Fry bacon & onion almost to the point of burning - bacon crisp, onion carmalized
Add garlic within last couple minutes.

Drain bacon grease.

Add rice, stir up, add Soy Sauce & 3 eggs lightly scrambled.
Stir up over med heat until eggs are cooked.

Oh, it don't have to be thansgiving related. I'm talking side dishes & deserts here, though I might just use that relish he mentioned to flavor the turkey.

This one sounds like a cajun variety of chinese fried rice:) Cool. And yanno, not everyone likes mashed potatoes. *Carmelized onions*..... that did the trick. I read that, then ran to throw me a coupla hot dogs in the roaster:) I put onions (usually sauteed) and garlic on dang near everything:)

Thanks you guys.


Author:  timberlea [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Log Cabin Potatoes

Boil potatoes and mash them.  Then you form them into "logs" about 3in x 3/4" thereabouts.  Dredge them in milk, then egg and coat them in crushed corn flakes.  Put them in the oven for about 20 min until they brown.  They're great!  oops wrong commercial.  LMAO  :shock:

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

timberlea @ Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:29 pm wrote:

Boil potatoes and mash them.  

Well, at first I got all excited thinking I could handle that recipe:)  LMAO

So, ummmm. (doncha dare laugh, I'm NOT a cook) .... I've never ever heard the word "dredge" associated with cooking. The only "dredge" I know was done with a pan on the Honcut Creek & Yuba & Feather Rivers in California. Same concept? What? Should I borrow my dad's gold panning equipment? (he'd never in a million years understand the request)

I'm imaging after 25 tries, finally getting mashed potatoes rolled into a roll, that I'm gonna drop them in a bowl of milk to coat them, and I'm gonna have a bowl of VERY runny mashed potatoes.  LMAO

They do sound good though. I'm more the hashbrown type anyhow... crispy on the outside, tender on the inside... those might be tasty:)

I guess I better go google up some stuff and see if I can learn how to "dredge" in the kitchen, haha.


Author:  Lonman [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

timberlea @ Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:29 pm wrote:
Log Cabin Potatoes

Boil potatoes and mash them.  Then you form them into "logs" about 3in x 3/4" thereabouts.  Dredge them in milk, then egg and coat them in crushed corn flakes.  Put them in the oven for about 20 min until they brown.  They're great!  oops wrong commercial.  LMAO  :shock:

Could they be deep fried?

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:05 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Ah, finally found one that made a bit o' sense:)

Main Entry: 3dredge
Function: transitive verb
Inflected Form(s): dredged; dredg·ing
Etymology: obsolete dredge, noun, sweetmeat, from Middle English drage, drege, from Anglo-French dragee, modification of Latin tragemata sweetmeats, from Greek tragEmata, plural of tragEma sweetmeat, from trOgein to gnaw
: to coat (food) by sprinkling (as with flour)

I can DO that..... ya shoulda just said "sprinkle" with milk.  LOL


Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 4:07 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Lonman @ Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:55 pm wrote:
timberlea @ Tue Nov 21, 2006 3:29 pm wrote:
Log Cabin Potatoes

Boil potatoes and mash them.  Then you form them into "logs" about 3in x 3/4" thereabouts.  Dredge them in milk, then egg and coat them in crushed corn flakes.  Put them in the oven for about 20 min until they brown.  They're great!  oops wrong commercial.  LMAO  :shock:

Could they be deep fried?

You're making me think of fried ice-cream, like they serve at mexi restaurants.  :yum: Wonder if I can connive the hubby to take me out to Nuevo Vallarta tonight... I want some now.  :yes:


Author:  Guest [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 5:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

ever have white castle stuffing?......stuffing is important, so you'd have to try this at a later date......actually, not a good idea to try new recipes on company, until you have tried them before hand.

Author:  MorganLeFey [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Quickest easiest yummiest dessert....
whip cream
Yoghurt (either berry or hazelnut)
chop up marshmellows
maybe even some fresh berries if you can get them at this time of year over there...
just fold it together.
the air in the whipped cream makes it all so light it feels like it dissolves on the tongue

Its called ambrosia and lives up to its name :)

Author:  Guest [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

LMAO My wife had surgery today so guess who's cooking everything from soup to nuts?

My menu (baking starts tomorrow is going to be:

Turkey (soaked overnight in an herbal brine then stuffed with onion, rosemary, orange and apple)
Apple/herb cornbread dressing
Cheesy mashed potatoes
Sweet potato casserole
Candied carrots (carrots cooked in apricot nectar until it forms a glaze)
Relish tray with stuffed celery, pickles (sweet & dill midgets), olives (black & green)
Cranberry/orange relish
Home baked dinner rolls
Pumpkin pie
Deep dish apple pie from scratch using a combination of Granny Smith & Rome apples (hard/soft texture & tart/sweet combination)

I think that ought to do it!

Author:  fiery [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 7:53 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Drea sent me this one for squash that I am dying to try (although our thanksgiving is done here)

http://www.deadgobot.com/recipes/acorn_ ... _casserole?

Author:  timberlea [ Tue Nov 21, 2006 8:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Lonman, if Elvis can deep fry peanut butter and banana sandwiches, then anything can be fried.  Yes, though I haven't tried it, but I will.

Blue, put the milk in one bowl, the eggs in another and the corn flake crumbs in a third.  Dunk a log in the milk, then the eggs, and then roll it in the crumbs.

Author:  Chuck2 [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 5:30 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Gonna try Timberlea's recipe. It sounds too good to miss.

Author:  timberlea [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

If you like that, just wait til Christmas when I tell you about Moose Milk.

Author:  karyoker [ Wed Nov 22, 2006 7:43 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Anybody have any unique recipes?

Ill try to find the corn bread dressing one We hadda take back a Butter Ball turkey.. Somebody forgot to butter his ....s LMAO

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