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Ripping video cd
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Author:  Jian [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:23 am ]
Post subject:  Ripping video cd

This may not be the right forum to ask this question, but I am sure some members here have the knowledge.
Almost all my karaoke CD are in VCD format. I want to store them into HDD. I will be buying a new external soon for this purpose. How do you go about doing it? I know how to rip audio and convert them to mp3, but I have not done any similar thing to a video file.
The way I am doing it for recording and singing thru my pc is to just click on the file and drag and drop it to desk top. but this give me a .DAT file. for recording and singing that is ok. What I want is to have them in a format that winamp can play ie avi or mpeg. or even uncompressed video files.

I know I will need some kind of ripping software and a video  equivalent of LAME. Any Freeware up there? I am cheap.

I have well over 400 video CD and  they starts growing legs; friend borrow and forget to return them. Will 250G be enough space? I have not yet buy the HDD yet.


Author:  Jian [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ripping video cd

Dup post

Author:  Keith02 [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ripping video cd

Jian @ Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:23 am wrote:
This may not be the right forum to ask this question, but I am sure some members here have the knowledge.
Almost all my karaoke CD are in VCD format. I want to store them into HDD. I will be buying a new external soon for this purpose. How do you go about doing it? I know how to rip audio and convert them to mp3, but I have not done any similar thing to a video file.
The way I am doing it for recording and sing thru my pc is to just clock on the file and drag and drop it to desk top. but this give me a .DAT file. for recording and singing that is ok. What I want is to have them in a format that winamp can play ie avi or mpeg. or even uncompressed video files.

I know I will need some kind of ripping software and a video  equivalent of LAME. Any Freeware up there? I am cheap.

I have well over 400 video CD and keep they starts growing legs; friend borrow and forget to return them. Will 250G be enough space? I have not yet buy the HDD yet.

I remember your question from another post months ago....I went looking then and failed to find an answer....I just don't know video well enought to help find what you seek.

As far as HDD space, tho........it will depend on the compression ratio the conversion process uses....I think you will find several different programs will do what you need, but I also think you will have to consider how they actually compress the files to determine if 250 GB is large enough to store your discs.

Hey, I got an idea.....I have a retail version of Roxio Easy Media Creator I bought last year I will never use.......I do not need it.

Why don't you investige their site and see if it will work for you....If it will, I'll ship it to you.

http://www.peavey.com/support/technotes ... mode_2.cfm

I'm not sure if it is this version, but It is only a year old so maybe it is.

Author:  Jian [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 1:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ripping video cd

Knight is the man, he did his laser disc which is not much of a diffrent; I think.

Author:  EElvis [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 4:13 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ripping video cd

If you are interested. you can copy the .dat file to the hard drive, and rename it from .DAT > .MPG and it will play just file. at least it works with mine. Words and all work fine.

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ripping video cd

VCDs can be ripped with Nero or Roxio. You buy a burner, you'll get the software to do that! For free!

If your ripped .dat files... you can manually rename them to a .mpeg or .mpg, and your normal media player will play them. As for the ripping of Lasers, I only ripped three of them (got the rest already ripped from a friend... loved that!). It's a long, manual process (converting at 1 speed) where I used Pinnacle's product where you plug ANY video type device into it, and it hooks up to your computer via USB. You'll get a window extremely similar to a VCR's Blue screen. Once you hit play on your player, it'll start on the screen, and you just hit "record".

I had the option of recording in several formats, and then I used a compressor AVI to MPEG and further reduced it for size requirements. I didn't lose hardly ANY video and no audio ... I mean in degredation.

Author:  Jian [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 5:31 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ripping video cd

That simple? Then I can use a file renamer software auto rename the file name extension in the whole folder. thanks

Now, I just need to reduce the file size. Any help?

Author:  knightshow [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 9:06 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Ripping video cd

I used a divx converter. that had a compression that I played around with. Found out you got some pretty shoddy results when compressiong 50% or more, but around 25%, it still looked and sounded great!

Author:  Jian [ Wed Oct 04, 2006 3:20 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Ripping video cd

Thanks Matt, i think I got it fugured out. From here I should be able to calulate how much HDD space i need

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