Karaoke Scene's Karaoke Forums

Recording Karaoke Songs From Tape To CD
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Author:  mrpete1939 [ Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Recording Karaoke Songs From Tape To CD

Hello Everyone!  My name is Peter (known as mrpete1939)on this forum.  I just joined today and I am hoping to find something of interest as well as some answers to my questions from time to time.  I sing Karaoke every friday at a local private club for people with mental disabilities.  I receive no greater joy than to be able to sing some songs to these people and maybe help to lift a heavy burden for those who suffer.  When I first started singing Karaoke I had a small plug in karaoke machine that played tapes.  There was no screen for the words.  Fortunately I knew most of the melody to the songs that I would sing, and I would print out the words so everybody could sing too.  Well I received a grant from this club some years back and I have a great karaoke unit with a Peavey Amplifier which sounds wonderful.  My question is this:  How can I transfer my songs from tape to a cd?  I don't have a burner and wouldn't know how to do it if I did.  I would like to find a local company who does this kind of work.  I have limited income so I would have to shop around to find a rate that I could afford.  I have quite a bit of music on tape so I would have to do this in "batches."  If anyone can help me find this type service either by yellow pages or by internet, I would greatly appreciate your assistance.  Thanks and God Bless.  Sincerely,  mrpete1939 :oh yeah:

Author:  twansenne [ Fri Sep 08, 2006 9:29 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Recording Karaoke Songs From Tape To CD

if you like you could send the to me, and I could convet them to CD for you.

I have done this in the past with a few songs that the wife had on tapes, and were not available in a CDg format.

Send me a PM if you are interested.

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