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Idol Pro Sys
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Author:  gmoney [ Sat Aug 05, 2006 5:47 am ]
Post subject:  Idol Pro Sys

Does anyone have an opinion on this system IDOLpro PROFESSIONAL KJ/DJ SYSTEM (CAVS 203G SuperCDG Player + 4 Speakers) It will be used for some pro gigs(which is why I would like your opinion) and home use.  I do not do alot of work but when I do Its ROCK & Roll so I need the B_LLS of a fairly good system...Thanks for the help

Author:  Lonman [ Sat Aug 05, 2006 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idol Pro Sys

I'm assuming you mean this.  http://www.dtskaraoke.com/jvcmv3prcoka.html

Home use - yes, pro use - no.  The speakers aren't great, they have 10" drivers, which will be lacking on any kind of bass response in an open club especially when you pack it with people.  The amp is pretty low powered as well at only 200 watts per channel continuous, it doesn't state what it's impedance (ohms) rating is.  If you say you want it to rock when you work, this isn't going to do it.

For about the same price (maybe a wee bit more) you can get a very good 'rockin' system with a basic 'core' pack of music.

<EDIT> Ah Nice it looks like the admin is up to their tricks again deleting information.  There was an entire system outlined here for his budget, but POOF it's gone.  Well if anyone needs to know what the system was instead of the overpriced junk in the link above, PM me.

Author:  gmoney [ Sat Aug 05, 2006 8:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Idol Pro Sys

Thanks man...We are pretty much rockers and most of our music is SC, we really like the reproduction and quality of the sound....I will check out the rig, we have various wireless Mic's but using corded for the crowd is a good idea...Thanks again.

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