I was trying to buy some new mic stands through Audioeast. They had
the lowest price on the web for what I wanted. They e-mailed me and told me it would take 6-8 weeks because there was a shortage on these stands in the US.
Well I need these stands now I couldn't wait, so I called Musician's Friend (Guitar Center). They matched the price and guarrenteed delivery in 2-5 business days. I confirmed they had them in stock.
This is some of there verbage in audioeast's e-mail:
I'll get one to you as quickly as anybody else can.
If you cancel your order you lose your place in line. By the time these stands get to the USA there will be a few thousand on backorder so you'll get it sooner by leaving it on order.
Hmmmm - I don't think I'll ever take their word for anything again.
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~*~ MONKEY BUSINESS KARAOKE~*~ [/shadow][/updown][/glow]