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Has this ever happend to you?
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Author:  Isis [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:03 am ]
Post subject:  Has this ever happend to you?

I went to my favorite watering hole last night to have a couple of drinks on the way home.  I got there about 545.  I had a vodka and 7.  I then proceeded to have 2 more Vodka and 7's over the coarse of 4 hours for a total of 3 drinks.  I ate yesterday so that should not be an issue.

But I tell you I was on the third drink and I was on stage singing Total Eclispe of the heart.  When it hit me.  The room starts spinning and I couldn't read the words on the screen.  Squid told me that he had never seen me mess up the lyrics to a song so bad before.  I have no idea what I must have sang.  

I immediately went to the bar office and sat down in the quiet and called my husband to come get me.  By the time he got there (about 20 minutes)I was completely incoherant.  And I was sick.  I couldn't sit or stand or even hold my head up.

And this morning I am still pretty weak feeling and kinda dizzy.  

Has anyone ever experienced anything like this?  I personnally think I may have been drugged or something..

What do you think happend?

And the weird thing...I remember everything...

Author:  maninblack [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:18 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Back when I use to drink, it would vary. Some days I could drink a couple of beers and be ready to hit the couch, other days, I could drink a case and it not even faze me.
Body chemistrys a funny thing. The drinks may not have been the problem, but it could have interacted with something you ate earlier causing you to be sick. Who knows, could have been the glass wasn't properly cleaned, or the ice in your drink may have been tainted somehow, really hard to tell. There use to be a bar I went to and the owners cut all the clear liquors with grain, to boost the alcohol content, which meant they could pour less per drink, but sell more drinks cos folks were getting buzzed quicker and when folks get buzzed, they open up their wallets more. But I doubt that's the case in the place where you go. Hard to say what cause it. Important thing is that you're okay and you did have someone you could call to come pick you up.

The lighting in certain places affects my equilibrium, I know it sounds strange but it's true, in particular the Halogens they use in warehouse type stores like Sams and Best Buy. I can be walking around and all of a sudden get dizzy to the point where I'm gonna pass out.

Glad your safe though, hope you get to feeling better.


P.S. As for me personally, singing that particular song would have been enough to make me want to pass out....LOL
(I'm just teasin folks)

Author:  Isis [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:26 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Thanks James.  I had never thought about those other things you mentioned.  I was also thinking that maybe I was being served Gin instead of Vodka.  I have a very bad reaction to Gin and the two are kept side by side in the thingy where they keep that stuff


Author:  maninblack [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Isis @ Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:26 am wrote:
Thanks James.  I had never thought about those other things you mentioned.  I was also thinking that maybe I was being served Gin instead of Vodka.  I have a very bad reaction to Gin and the two are kept side by side in the thingy where they keep that stuff


Good lord darlin, the day you can't tell vodka from gin, you should give up drinking all together.....LOL  It had to be really good gin, or I couldn't drink it either.
I'm just teasin ya


Author:  hamsamich [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

yes.  but I'm not sure why.  electrolyte imbalence could be possible, and maybe aggravated by alky.  another reason people get vertigo-like symptoms is a disease called "minieres"  Ménière's disease is a disorder of the inner ear which causes episodes of vertigo, ringing in the ears (tinnitus), a feeling of fullness or pressure in the ear, and USUALLY fluctuating hearing loss.  Vertigo is also often associated with arthritis of the neck, called cervical spondylosis.  Inner ear/inner ear nerve problems in general are causes.  As people get older, sudden movements of the head can cause vertigo-like episodes (something to do with cerebellum/brainstem, which is at the bottom/rear of your head and larger associated nerves), the age of onset is after 40 usually and it is twice as common is women than men.

Migraines, psychological disorders (OCD especially) can cause these types of reactions as well.

Vertigo starts becoming more common with age, so get used to it as you get older!

But I guess it is possible you were drugged also.  I get seasick and motion sick, and I hate it!  Most  of the causes mentioned above are not very serious and only happen every once in a while in most people.  I wouldn't worry about it unless it happens a couple more times in the next couple months or if it happens again very soon, like in the next week.

Author:  karyoker [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:41 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

It is common for liqours made from potatoes.  (starch or sugar level) Wines made from grapes give a different reaction and  tend to increase heart rate thus blood pressure. Along with your comment about gin I would recommend staying away from these drinks and maybe trying rum or blends like Seagrams 7.    It is nothing to be alarmed about but just your body giving subtle hints.
If you are really worried I would some blood work done It is just something to be aware of when partying.

Author:  hamsamich [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

oops, it is twice as common in WOMEN, not in men

Author:  Isis [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

This just in..  I am IM'ing with Squid he said he was watching me when this happend and he said it was litterally like someone had flipped a switch on me....He said I had a look of terror and panic on my face.

Author:  maninblack [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 7:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Isis @ Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:55 am wrote:
This just in..  I am IM'ing with Squid he said he was watching me when this happend and he said it was litterally like someone had flipped a switch on me....He said I had a look of terror and panic on my face.

That would be like me singing a Prince song, I'm sure I'd have the same look. :D

Author:  Isis [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

maninblack @ Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:58 am wrote:
Isis @ Sat Jul 29, 2006 11:55 am wrote:

That would be like me singing a Prince song, I'm sure I'd have the same look. :D


Author:  karyoker [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

I decided to elaborate  little bit for it might be more important than a short post.

Next time it happens eat a candy bar... These are symptons of low blood sugar which causes extreme fatigue, vertigo, and in extreme cases  along with alcohol loss of body co-ordination.  Vodka will produce these symptons for is made from potatoes which are high in starch content.

It probably is an indication of your diet from the past few days but if it persists especially without drinking I would get some blood work done..

Author:  fiery [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Yeah I have to agree that is strange especially if it's not happened to you before. After 3 drinks you should not feel dizzy, it's just not normal. As for the cause, who knows? I never leave my drink unattended for that reason exactly. Some people can't be trusted. It could be that you've come down with a bug too, it's hard to say. I'm glad you're ok, I had a gf back when I was like 20 have a guy slip her something and she ended up pregnant... I guess that's why I am so careful now.   :hug:

Author:  Texas Gigi [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 8:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Good grief, woman, why didn't you call?

Methinks stress might be mixed up in there somewhere. Good stress is still stress, you know. But I would definitely pay attention to the suggestions others have made here, because writing it off as "just stress" could complicate matters if it is indeed something more serious.

If Squid is slipping you stuff he needs to cut it out! (JK, Dave.)

I'm glad you are feeling better. Is this another sign that we need to be singing somewhere else?

Author:  karyoker [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:04 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Now in your response to your question... After a 3 day drunk I was sitting on one those tall soft bar stools in a lounge in Chicago about 3 in the afternoon. The bartender and the rest of us were having good conversations and slowly getting well from the night before. My get well drink was screwdrivers because I liked the oj. I got a nature call and started to stand up I got a little dizzy and my legs werent workin right. I wasnt drunk totally cognizant and my body was going into shutdown.The bartender noticed the panic in my demeanor and he asked are you alright?  I replied I gotta pee like a race horse and my body wont work.. He gave me a candy bar said eat this and I drank pure orange juice for awhile. I gradually got my body back..... No I didnt pee in my pants


Author:  Singing Squid [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Texas Gigi @ Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:49 am wrote:
Good grief, woman, why didn't you call?

Methinks stress might be mixed up in there somewhere. Good stress is still stress, you know. But I would definitely pay attention to the suggestions others have made here, because writing it off as "just stress" could complicate matters if it is indeed something more serious.

If Squid is slipping you stuff he needs to cut it out! (JK, Dave.)

I'm glad you are feeling better. Is this another sign that we need to be singing somewhere else?

Double-G, all I know is I've NEVER seen her like this!   :shock:   It was SCARY as H-E-double-hockey-sticks!!

Author:  Chuck2 [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 9:52 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

I have gotten similar reactions from you know what. Not usually that bad but it's not out of the question for me.

I wouldn't rule out anything mentioned above, especially someone trying to drug your drink. A lot of guys at that place have the hots for you.

Call us anytime Sharon. :D


Author:  Isis [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Still feeling shakey and woozy.  I had to drive to work this morning and that was not a good thing.  Thanks for all the info and advice.  :hug:  I've been trying to eat today but I am just nauseaous.  I don't feel hungover, just weird.  

Still gotta get my car home sometime today.

And yes, GiGi the scary thing is I knew everyone that was in there last night so it really scares me if that was it.

Author:  timberlea [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Plain and simple, you were drugged most likely by a so called "date rape" drug.  You symptoms are similar to those that are caused by them.  Call the police and have them investigate.  You may not be the only one and I quite doubt that you were.

Author:  Chuck2 [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

timberlea @ Sat Jul 29, 2006 1:36 pm wrote:
Plain and simple, you were drugged most likely by a so called "date rape" drug.  You symptoms are similar to those that are caused by them.  Call the police and have them investigate.  You may not be the only one and I quite doubt that you were.
I agree. We know that club brings in all types of people.

If you are feeling better later, maybe you guys can come over and we can sing. I should prolly give you a call. :D

Author:  Isis [ Sat Jul 29, 2006 10:48 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Has this ever happend to you?

Our phone is not in use right now and it was working a little bit ago so you have the all clear for calling.....

<guiding chuck to the phone like and airplane>

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