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Morissette & Bowie, who has the best
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Author:  maninblack [ Mon Jun 26, 2006 10:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Okay, I'm looking for some Morissette and Bowie tunes.
As for Morissette, the song 'Thank You' which I've actually sang before, but did the vocal styling as though Peter Gabriel were singing it. I know it sounds weird, but then again, it's kinda weird for a guy to want sing Alanis to begin with. It went over rather well, but at the time, I had no idea that I would someday be doing my own Karaoke and never thought to ask where the guy got it from.

As for the Bowie, I've noticed that the Legends series has a full Bowie disc, but the comments about Legend have been lukewarm at best.
Also the All Hits Maxx pak has a couple of Bowie tunes, as does the infamous SGB.
What I would really like is a whole disc of his tunes.

So once again, I seek the advice of you folks here. Now mind you, I have been going to AceKaraoke on a pretty regular basis, since they have samples of certain series. But they don't have the major series available for preview. But I have been trying to do my homework a bit before I come asking.

I also am purchasing some Aerosmith and Judas Priest, but will be going with Sound Choice on these selections.

And as always, thanks in advance for your advice.


Author:  Odie [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 1:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Interesting, I was trying to track down some David Bowie songs too.  So far the pickings have been kind of slim.  I'd be curious to hear if anybody else comes up with any ideas.

Author:  mroctober [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 3:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Heres a taste of Ledgen's series Bowie ..well atleast it's the track I use.

Theres a couple other bowie tunes on the site as well all ledgen series
It will give you a clue on how they sound atleast.

Author:  maninblack [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

mroctober @ Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:10 am wrote:
Heres a taste of Ledgen's series Bowie ..well atleast it's the track I use.

Theres a couple other bowie tunes on the site as well all ledgen series
It will give you a clue on how they sound atleast.

Hey man, thanks for the link. Too bad I'm on dialup cos it takes ten forevers to watch the video, but good job. As for the music, at least on that particular song, all the versions I've heard are running about the same quality. So if the Legends disc runs about the same quality for every song, then it's not a bad choice. Thanks again.


Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 7:53 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

If you can find them (most Alanis has been pulled due to licensing restrictions), Sound Choice for the most part for Alanis - however the Dangerous version of You Oughta Know (still one of the most requested female songs) kicks butt - although you can only get it in a pack nowdays, however the entire set is worth it if you can find it - check e-bay.  I know you said you don't care for it, but there are some great deals from good folk.
As for Bowie, can't help you there, most of the stuff I have is on SC & a couple lesser labels (All Hits & Nikkodo/BMB) that never get used.

Author:  maninblack [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Lonman @ Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:53 am wrote:
If you can find them (most Alanis has been pulled due to licensing restrictions), Sound Choice for the most part for Alanis - however the Dangerous version of You Oughta Know (still one of the most requested female songs) kicks butt - although you can only get it in a pack nowdays, however the entire set is worth it if you can find it - check e-bay.  I know you said you don't care for it, but there are some great deals from good folk.
As for Bowie, can't help you there, most of the stuff I have is on SC & a couple lesser labels (All Hits & Nikkodo/BMB) that never get used.

Hey Lonman, thanks for the info. I guess my fear of ebay is fear of the unknown, so maybe I need to take the plunge and really see what it's all about.
By the way, went to your site last night, excellent job, keep up the good work.


Author:  Lonman [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

If you do e-bay, main thing to remember is ONLY go with people that have high feedback ratings - i won't buy from anyone with less than 98% & even then I will look at any negative comment & determine whether or not it may have been justified.  Also look at how many feedback they got, was it only a handful or have they sold 100's with good feedback.  I've never been burned once - yet.  Got the entire Dangerous pack (all 11 discs) for $10 + shipping, total $22.

Author:  Chuck2 [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Lonman @ Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:29 am wrote:
If you do e-bay, main thing to remember is ONLY go with people that have high feedback ratings - i won't buy from anyone with less than 98% & even then I will look at any negative comment & determine whether or not it may have been justified.  Also look at how many feedback they got, was it only a handful or have they sold 100's with good feedback.  I've never been burned once - yet.  Got the entire Dangerous pack (all 11 discs) for $10 + shipping, total $22.
Check shipping cost too. Some ebay stores try to make their money by over charging for "handling". :)

Author:  Odie [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Lonman @ Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:29 am wrote:
If you do e-bay, main thing to remember is ONLY go with people that have high feedback ratings - i won't buy from anyone with less than 98% & even then I will look at any negative comment & determine whether or not it may have been justified.  Also look at how many feedback they got, was it only a handful or have they sold 100's with good feedback.  I've never been burned once - yet.  Got the entire Dangerous pack (all 11 discs) for $10 + shipping, total $22.

Lonman is right.  Stick with the popular, high rated sellers and everything should go just fine.

Author:  dumbdrums [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

maninblack @ Tue Jun 27, 2006 12:23 am wrote:
Okay, I'm looking for some Morissette and Bowie tunes.
As for Morissette, the song 'Thank You' which I've actually sang before, but did the vocal styling as though Peter Gabriel were singing it. I know it sounds weird, but then again, it's kinda weird for a guy to want sing Alanis to begin with. It went over rather well, but at the time, I had no idea that I would someday be doing my own Karaoke and never thought to ask where the guy got it from.

As for the Bowie, I've noticed that the Legends series has a full Bowie disc, but the comments about Legend have been lukewarm at best.
Also the All Hits Maxx pak has a couple of Bowie tunes, as does the infamous SGB.
What I would really like is a whole disc of his tunes.

So once again, I seek the advice of you folks here. Now mind you, I have been going to AceKaraoke on a pretty regular basis, since they have samples of certain series. But they don't have the major series available for preview. But I have been trying to do my homework a bit before I come asking.

I also am purchasing some Aerosmith and Judas Priest, but will be going with Sound Choice on these selections.

And as always, thanks in advance for your advice.


cant help you with the morrisette/bowie issue but if you get the aerosmith/priest i am so there dude !! i know that all my kj buds prefer soundchoice and i as well when i sing will request the soundchoice version..if you get bowie man make sure it has space oddity...then im there too !!
oops i guess i should see where you are from :shock:

Author:  dumbdrums [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

ooops tennessee...ok maybe im not there but ill tell my friends in tennessee to look you up ! :hi5:

Author:  dumbdrums [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:47 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Lonman @ Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:29 am wrote:
If you do e-bay, main thing to remember is ONLY go with people that have high feedback ratings - i won't buy from anyone with less than 98% & even then I will look at any negative comment & determine whether or not it may have been justified.  Also look at how many feedback they got, was it only a handful or have they sold 100's with good feedback.  I've never been burned once - yet.  Got the entire Dangerous pack (all 11 discs) for $10 + shipping, total $22.

all hail the lonman !! :worship:
:wave: good to see you again bud...its been awhile
good to see you always appear when there is a tech or disc issue !!
no doubt your advice is always my favorite out here !!

Author:  kjchrisc [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 2:15 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Maninblack, going back to the song "Thank U", if you can find it, it's on discontinued C.B. disc #cdg40004. That's was their Alanis artist 6+6 disc that they stopped making about 3-4 years ago. Got one myself and I thought they did a decent job on the arrangements.

As for the Bowie disc, if you can get your hands on the S.C. 2288 disc, it's a good one. Looks like it's been discontinued too, but there's still a couple floating out there it looks like. Got mine off e-bay, so it can be good if you got the right sellers, like they were saying.

Author:  maninblack [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

kjchrisc @ Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:15 pm wrote:
Maninblack, going back to the song "Thank U", if you can find it, it's on discontinued C.B. disc #cdg40004. That's was their Alanis artist 6+6 disc that they stopped making about 3-4 years ago. Got one myself and I thought they did a decent job on the arrangements.

As for the Bowie disc, if you can get your hands on the S.C. 2288 disc, it's a good one. Looks like it's been discontinued too, but there's still a couple floating out there it looks like. Got mine off e-bay, so it can be good if you got the right sellers, like they were saying.

I found the Bowie SC2288 still in stock at a couple of sites, in particular ExpressKaraoke, which I've been pretty much giving all my business to lately.
It has some good tunes on it, so thanks for the heads up.
I'm still looking for decent versions of 'Space Oddity' and 'Ziggy Stardust'. So the search is on.
Thanks again,


Author:  Karaoke Kelley [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 6:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

:wave: Hi Im a newbie here but also shop ebay for cdgs. Just recently I bought an Alabama cdg from this lady with private feedback. That was a disaster !! She sent me the wrong disc and that one didnt even work ! I left negative f/b but she dupped me into retracting it upon the promise of sending the right one asap. STUPID !! One month and alot of nasty emails later I got the disc. Probably only because I was persistant in trying to get it . So I was stuck with not being able to chang my f/b back to negative and the patron that wanted that disc for 1 particular song has yet to show back up at the show because of having to wait. So watch the f/b very closley I didnt, and paid the price ! I will never buy fom someone who has private f/b again !( Oh by the way her name is sherinhouston or sherismedia) for the rest of you ebayers.
 But...  All in all I have found great deals on karaoke for years I got my first set, pioneer, for a steal !! I think they are the best !!
 As far as Alanis I got Radio Starz and I love it !! I sing Ironic and Hand in my pocket they sound great !! Dont know too much about Bowie though hope this helps .

Author:  kjchrisc [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 8:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Interesting post about sherinhouston, Kelley. We were talking about her doing that same stuff in a thread last Nov., I think it was. Looks like people are still getting screwed over by that seller. I bet you left her neg. feedback, and then she left retaliatory neg. feedback. If you could've read some of her feedback before it went "private", you probably would've been able to know not to buy from her, at least from some of it I read. Hate to hear that. Just out of curiousity, what brand Alabama disc was it, and did she send you a copy, or original?

Alanis on Radio Starz.... didn't know how the arrangements were on that one, so thanks for bringing that up! If it has "You Learn" on it, I might try to buy it somewhere if it's still available.

Author:  Karaoke Kelley [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Yeah, kjchrisc, I really should have looked better before I bid she does have good prices but I guess she can afford that after screwing so many people, huh? Anyways it was a chartbuster disc looked like a real good copy that I actually called her on but the right disc was an original like I said a month later ! Yes I was the" Big B" according to her ! Crazy Lady !!  
 The Radio Starz does have You Learn on it, try it out ! I like their quality alot better than Legends cdgs.  Kelley

Author:  kjchrisc [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 9:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

You had every right to be the "Big B" :hi5:! I'd say most of them with private feedback probably don't deserve to be there anyway. Glad to see the right disc was an original, to make the transaction a little better for ya'. "Crazy Lady" can also afford "therapy" after screwing over that many people, too LOL!

Glad to hear that the Radio Starz quality is better than Legends. That might help maninblack on his search too. Thanks for the info!

Author:  Guest [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 10:27 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

MIB, you have your work cut out for you.  

162 Bowie songs listed in KJPro.    256 Morissette songs listed
All Hits                                          Legends LG177
All Hits Maxx Pack                          Magic Tracks   MTS 1029
DKKaraoke Premiere DK1112          Radio Starz  RSZ626   16 songs
DK Millennium   DKM1112
Legends   LG001
Magic Tracks  MTS 1029
Pioneer CD+G
Retro Classics  RT0014
Sound Choice Star Series   SC2288
SC Spotlight
Sunfly Gold  SFG055

Author:  maninblack [ Tue Jun 27, 2006 11:04 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Morissette & Bowie, who has the best

Bigdog @ Wed Jun 28, 2006 2:27 am wrote:
MIB, you have your work cut out for you.  

162 Bowie songs listed in KJPro.    256 Morissette songs listed
All Hits                                          Legends LG177
All Hits Maxx Pack                          Magic Tracks   MTS 1029
DKKaraoke Premiere DK1112          Radio Starz  RSZ626   16 songs
DK Millennium   DKM1112
Legends   LG001
Magic Tracks  MTS 1029
Pioneer CD+G
Retro Classics  RT0014
Sound Choice Star Series   SC2288
SC Spotlight
Sunfly Gold  SFG055

DAYUM, you hit the motherlode. You are the man.
Yes I definitely have some homework to do. First one I'm gonna check on is Magic Tracks, since we have a match. Now please anyone reading these, if you have personal experience with some of these lesser known labels, I would appreciate a headsup. I'm familiar with Sunfly and from what I've heard they do some pretty good stuff. The Bowie tunes on the All Hits Maxx Pak are passable, and the whole pak is like 59 bucks, and has some pretty off the wall stuff which I tend to like.
Sound Choice I'm familar with now. Legends has a killer selection of Bowie tunes, and from what MrOctober's video showed may also be passable. But any feedback on some of these other labels would be greatly appreciated.
And here I thought I was gonna get to bed at a decent hour...LOL
Oh well, there's no rest for the weary and the wicked don't need none.
Thanks again for all the suggestions, you guys/gals are the best.


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