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Splitter for computer/player and three video outputs
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Author:  magimae [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 8:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Splitter for computer/player and three video outputs

:?: I just started a hosting gig at a bar that has it's own equipment. They have most of their karaoke on computer using Sax and Dotty, but they have some disks that aren't on it yet and they have a player for them and also for customers who bring their own disk. My question is this--they have two small T.V. s and a large Plasma monitor that are used to display the karaoke words. However, when I have to switch to the player (via an A/B switch) the words only come up on the T.V. that is on stage. Is it possible to get a splitter that will accept two inputs and has three outputs and if so will this work with the Plasma Monitor. It is not a Plasma T.V. (no turner). They have satellite feed for their T.V. reception and consequently are able to use just a monitor for viewing. Any help will be greatly appreciated.

Author:  Guest [ Sun Jun 18, 2006 11:48 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Splitter for computer/player and three video outputs

Try MCM Electronics or Radio Shack.    I assume they are RCA ends, not Coax.

Author:  magimae [ Mon Jun 19, 2006 6:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Splitter for computer/player and three video outputs

:yes: Thanks for the input. Yes, they are RCA. I was planning on checking at Radio Shack, but thanks for the info on the other place. Hopefully I will find something that will work. I have several video CDGs and would love to be able to use them when I am getting set up, but need them to show on big Plasma screen not small screen on stage.

Author:  eben [ Mon Jun 19, 2006 12:44 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Splitter for computer/player and three video outputs

I assume you don't need audio switched so only video. My suggestion is to get a video MUX unit. They will route a video signal from multiple sources to multiple outputs. For example, I have a 4x4 MUX that will feed 4 signals to any or all of the 4 outputs. They can be pricey depends on the level, from like $150 to $1000 but you may be able to find a good solution for about $200. One thing, mine has S-Video input/output. I am not sure how easy it is to find RCA MUX but I am sure they exist.

One example of it is here. It's 4x2 but only for S-video and composite video.

Again, do some search on Google. I only did a quick check but I am sure you will find what you are looking for. Good luck.

Author:  magimae [ Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Splitter for computer/player and three video outputs

:worship: Many, many thanks for all the help. I think I've got it figured out. I spent the morning on line at Radio Shack & MCM Electronics, then I went to the local Radio Shack. Ours is fairly small, but I think I came up with a solution. I won't know until tomorrow when I reroute everything. If what I got works, I'll let everyone know what my solution was.

Author:  jamkaraoke [ Mon Jun 19, 2006 1:23 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Splitter for computer/player and three video outputs

I have a similiar set up and use the following:

I take the video outs (RCA) of both my laptop and player into a universal A/B switch
($30)  I then take the (1) video out of the A/B swicth and run that into a universal Radio Shack splitter box ( takes 1 input into 4 outputs ) again about $30.

Connect the 4 TVs to the splitter box with RCA type cables and you are all set

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