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Water heater fiasco
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Author:  Guest [ Mon Jun 12, 2006 11:36 pm ]
Post subject:  Water heater fiasco

I just spent 7 hours fixing/replacing a hot water tank.    Everything that could go wrong did.   Drag in the garden hose to drain the tank.   The cheap plastic drain valve on the bottom broke off.   Couldn't drain it.  Water started leaking out had to find a dowel plug to shove in the hole.   I lucked out there because I actually have a bunch that size and I found them right away.    Good thing the hole was some what plugged with the sediment sludge.   It didn't leak too much or too fast.     Do you know how much a 400 lb water heater weights?   Too much.   40 gallons x 8 lbs=320 lbs + the tank and the 15 years of sediment laying on the bottom.  Had to get the big neighbor guy to help get it out of the house.   We had it on my karaoke dolly.  Still way too heavy.   He told me about a black bear cub that ran through his back yard.    Game warden told him the mother was probably around too.    The floor tile lifted from the water laying there all night.   Girlfriend drove to two different stores (towns) and couldn't find new tiles to match those.   Dry the floor, scrape off the paint on the floor that the water lifted.   Scrape the floor, sweep the floor, scrape some more.   Try to scrape the paint off of the old tiles.   Two Sears stores to get the new tank.   My kid works at Sears and he was off, so I didn't get his discount.   $450    Move the karaoke van, move the motorcycle, move the dryer, move the washer, move the dehumidifier, move the shelving, move the tool box.   The copper union leaked after I had everything back together.   Had to go to the hardware store to get a new union.   Couldn't get the old one to come off right.  The floor got soaked again.    Had to shorten the vent pipe.    The tile's not sticky enough any more.  The old flexable gas pipe won't seal right, it's leaking.   I'll have to replace it tomorrow.   Every towel in the house needs washed.   Move the motorcycle, move the dryer, move the washer, move the dehumidifier, move the shelving, move the tool box, put the dolly back in the van.   Take the garden hose back out.    Now for the sad part.    Everyday of my live goes just about the same way.      LMAO     Sing two songs and call me in the morning.    Can't wait for tomorrow's misadventure.    Not counting tomorrow nights karaoke.

Author:  Sinnamon [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:05 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

omg....sounds like MY life!!!   LOL  

Days like those...I just go back to bed...hehehehe! :asleep:

Author:  Keith02 [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

You spoiled your wife....!

When stuff like that breaks round here I put it off a week or more LMAO

Author:  Sinnamon [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 6:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

Keith02 @ Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:09 am wrote:
You spoiled your wife....!

When stuff like that breaks round here I put it off a week or more LMAO

Shame on you Keith!   :no:


Author:  karyoker [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 7:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

Years ago I was going back to school again to update on computers and things in general. So I took over as mgr of a motel and trailer court in Laporte co which is on the old overland trail (just before heading up into the mountains or up to Laramie) . In fact the name was the Overland Trail Motel. The motel was 8 cabins that were built about 02...19 that is. It actually turned into a full time job for to make more money I agreed to remodel the cabins. The plumbing was a nightmare as under the cabins was several pipes from the big boiler that heated them with the old registers which were long gone. However the old big boiler was still used for the hot water for about 6 houses which were also part of the complex. In fact the plumbing was so screwed up the hot and cold water was crossed somewhere and the hot was feeding into the cold. It took 6 months to figure that out.

Every now and then I had to change a hot water heater in a house or trailer. The main gas line came into the bolier room and was fed to the cabins, houses and about 40 trailers. It was simply shut off the valve to that section and replacing it. But a water heater in a house went out.. I looked and looked but there was no shutoff valve. It meant shutting down the boiler which was original The pilot was a half inch pipee pointed towards the burners and not that easy to get to. The valve was the old ninety degree that over a time became stiff and hard to turn.  So I finally  shut everything down replaced the water heater.  My sister said call up Public Service they come out and light boilers..  Yea!!!! So I called up and this old guy answered I said could you come out and light a boiler?  Sure he said were u at?  Overland Trail Motel.... There was about a 20 second pause ........You light that SOB I going any where near it..... S I thought weel ill use a little propane bottle stick it in and turn the valve on There was no place to set it and get the right angle to light the end of a half inch pipe So I was halfway in holding the propane bottle and reaching around to pop the valve . Next I kne was abib whooooosh . A flame about 2 feet long passed in front of my face, singed my eyebrows a little. Then went back to the normal 2 or 3 inch flame. With knees shaking and trembling hands I shut off the propane bottle and went down and got a 12 pack of Bud. About 3 beers I was sort of back to normal again.   LMAO

Author:  Jian [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 7:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

Do you know how much a 400 lb water heater weights?   Too much.   40 gallons x 8 lbs=320 lbs + the tank


ans:  400lbs :O

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 8:59 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

Hey, I could get you a new one for wholesale price, my sis owns the pump supply store in town... of course the shipping costs from here to there may kill ya.  LOL

Author:  mroctober [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

Tankless water heater $350.00 never ending hot water no tank, hangs on the wall,    1 foot by 1 foot box.

weighs 6 pounds
saves money

Author:  Babs [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

MrOctober- when I need a new water heater I'm getting one of those!

Out here, the village makes you pay for a permit to put in a hot water heater and they want a professional to do it. Of course a lot of people ignore the rules and do it themselves.

What a horrible experience I bet your glad it's over!

Author:  Keith02 [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

mroctober @ Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:24 am wrote:
Tankless water heater $350.00 never ending hot water no tank, hangs on the wall,    1 foot by 1 foot box.

weighs 6 pounds
saves money
Yep, and the Paloma tankless is maybe the very best one out there...They are installed in every BurgerKing and many, many other eateries and homes/businesses....Only drawback is you must have natural gas service....The electric tankless heaters are not near as reliable cause they tend to burn out heating elements and scale up....How do I know this?...Because for 5 years I was a state fire marshal and my job was to inspect every boiler and waterheater in every commercial/public building in the state.

I have never seen a Poloma tankless that failed inspection or needed to be replaced.

....AND if you install one in your home, you can get a $300 federal tax break!

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 9:55 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

Right,  A 40 gallon water heater full weighs in the vacinity of 350 lbs. Which is roughly the same weight as my Hammond B-3 and Bench excluding the Leslie cabs 110 lbs each, also excluding the 40 lb (awkwardly weight distributed) foot pedal unit with the razor sharp tines that have sliced keyboardist's fingers to the bone, and worse....

OK,  now back to your regularly scheduled topic.

Now for some strange reason, I'm curious what EVH's old sliced H bomb improv rack unit weighed.

Author:  karyoker [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:25 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

High Upon The Water Tank
 Sittin In The Rain
 Thousand Miles Away From Nowhere
 Justa Watin For A Train

 He Walked Up To The Breakman
 And Gave Him A Line Of Talk
 He said if You Got Money
 Ill See That You Dont Walk

Havnt Got A Nickel
Not A penny To My Name
He Said Get Off You Railroad Bum
And He Slammed The Box Car Door

Yodel Lah ee oh Yodel oh Hul Ladee

Author:  Keith02 [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:34 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

I love the way these threads drift off topic....Really, I do. :worship:

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

I just have a knack for that type thing Keith !  LOL

Author:  bobz2005 [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 11:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

damn i wish i coulda seen all that happen im way overdue for a good laugh lol... trouble is i think i woulda laughed so hard i mighta just added to the water problems.... thank god tomorrows just another day with another problem to make you foerget the last pmsl

Author:  Guest [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

Well to add insult to injury, the bill came today for the kitty in the furnace misadventure.    I tipped the guy $50 for all of his above and beyond the call of duty stuff.    The bill is $135.   $185 kitty rescue.     Hurts my wallet, but my heart feels good.

Author:  Babs [ Tue Jun 13, 2006 10:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

:hug: I for one think you are a great person for saving that cat!

Author:  mroctober [ Wed Jun 14, 2006 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

Because for 5 years I was a state fire marshal and my job was to inspect every boiler and waterheater in every commercial/public building in the state

I can only Hope it was a very small state ....... :)

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:23 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

I can only Hope it was a very small state .......

Hmmm,   That's a good point !   That could keep a guy quite busy in New York !

Author:  Keith02 [ Wed Jun 14, 2006 8:32 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Water heater fiasco

mroctober @ Wed Jun 14, 2006 4:56 am wrote:
Because for 5 years I was a state fire marshal and my job was to inspect every boiler and waterheater in every commercial/public building in the state

I can only Hope it was a very small state ....... :)
Louisiana......I was spending every other week in a motel room, so I told them to stuff it.....It paid good, but I was never home.

If you want to be a boiler inspector and make decent $$, but live in motels, then go here to find out what it takes:

http://www.nationalboard.org/NationalBo ... ector.aspx

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