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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:00 am 
ONLINE MAGAZINE Techrepublic thinks that it has found proof that the software giant Microsoft has been using pirated .wav files in Windows XP.
Hacks went through Wav files on XP using an editor and found in the Windows help files nine WAV files which provide background sound during the Windows Media Player Tour.

When these files were opened in notepad, the hacks found a type of watermarking, which records the software that the Microsoft musician used to create the WAV files. There, in all its glory, was the line "LISTB INFOICRD 2000-04-06 IENG Deepz0ne ISFT Sound Forge 4.5"

Normally this would mean that Vole uses Sony's Sound Forge 4.5 to create the files. However the word "DeepzOne" is an odd thing to appear in the line, say the Techrepublicans.

It turns out that DeepzOne was the co-founder of a Warez group Radium that had specialised on cracking music software since 1997. One of his claims to fame was that he started circulating a cracked 4.5 version of Sound Forge.

In the view of Techrepublic it would seem that Vole or one of the freelancers who were making the Wave files were using a cracked version of Sound Forge 4.5 as cracked by DeepzOne.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:02 am 
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That's priceless.


http://techrepublic.com.com/5208-11183- ... 39&start=0

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:08 am 
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Geez - like they are so poor they need to steal something.
Maybe they stole my monkeys too.  LMAO

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 8:14 am 
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If the above link doesn't work you can see Google's cache of that page by clicking here. ... =clnk&cd=1

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 9:31 am 
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Babs @ Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:08 am wrote:
Geez - like they are so poor they need to steal something.
Maybe they stole my monkeys too.  LMAO

LMAO  :handshake:

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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:10 am 
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I don't think they took into account that back during that time, you didn't have to hack SoundForge. Sonic Foundry had all of their software downloads, demos and full versions on an open URL source, which meant that if you had the addy, you could get the software. The addy of the URL was actually given to many of us by a former employee of Sonic Foundry. I was a very active member of Acid Planet, and contacted a certain person about the leak of this information. That person told me that at that particular time there wasn't much they could do about it. Sonic Foundry finally changed the way they stored their downloads around 2002. By that time though, the software had gone through many hands worldwide. Yes it is true that Radium was the first group to create keygens for future versions of Sonic's software, but as far as hacking.....well that's false, or at least during that time period and that particular version, because it wasn't necessary.  
If it's true that Microsoft used files obtained by a musician who used a supposedly hacked version of Soundforge, well that's Microsofts bad for not verifying the source code. As for the musician there really wasn't any reason for that person to have used a 'hacked' version to begin with. If they had contacted Sonic Foundry, the company would have gladly given them a copy of a legit copy of Soundforge. After all, Soundforge is nothing more than an editing tool, no biggie. But to be fair, the musician in question may not have known his/her version was hacked. I mean if you're making money off of selling sound files to companies as big as Microsoft, wouldn't you want to make sure your tools were legit and registered, I would.
On the other hand, most musicians I know are dirt poor, and probably looked for the cheapest way to build up their software library unaware that the software was encoded with the authors signature. Who knows.

Someone on the Acid Planet site made a comment about 'how was I doing my edit's, because they were so clean' I told them, that I was doing all of my edits inline. Which meant that I was doing the edits within the track without taking the file to a secondary source such as Soundforge. Sonic contacts me, ask why am I taking the long way around. My response was (A) to improve my editing skills because (B) I couldn't afford Soundforge. A week later, I receive a package with every program that Sonic produced, which have since been registered and are fully legal. For several years after that I also served on a beta team testing new versions of Sonic's software. Sonic's reason that since my membership and music was such a high profile on the website, they just wanted to make sure I was legit.
What I'm getting at is if they'll do that for a nobody like myself, I'm sure that would have done it for a professional musician.

I never personally participated in any of Radiums practices, but for a long time, you could find my nickname mentioned quite a bit on the 'props to our friends' section of the NFO files.

Please understand, that I'm not making excuses for Microsoft, Radium or anyone. I was there during that time period, and sometimes there's more to the story than what is mentioned in an article.  

Still though, a very interesting read, haven't heard those names mentioned in years.


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PostPosted: Thu Jul 20, 2006 10:18 am 
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That's pretty cool.

It's great to hear that a company actually can be that helpful to an individual. :D

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