Hi everyone!
my name is Olivia (aka Moonrose75)
i've been singing Karaoke (onstage he-he) for about 6 years now. It was Karaoke that helped me get over my shyness... i always preffered to perform in a choir or behind an instrument: piano or my accordion (yes i said accordion - don't laugh). Music has always been an outlet for my feelings. Now i'm so comfortable it's hard to keep my away... i'm still very modest on stage though... gotta work on getting my hips in motion up on stagee.
2 years ago, i bought myself my a portable "singing machine" that played CDGs and hooked up to a TV. My own personal collection of CDG's has grown since then. I've even started providing my machine and CDs for my weekend job entertaining children. i am a preschool teacher during the week. we've got talented singers out there and they love playing their version of american idol at parties!
I hope to submit some songs very soon. I NEED SOME ADVIVCE FIRST!! i am pretty computer savvy and do understand that i'll need to upload my recordings. however... i would like advice as to how i can get quality sound recordings. i've looked through the showcase songs (everyone is so talented!) but i'm not too sure as to how i get a recording of myself?
Where can i go in Los Angeles? i live in Burbank. Will the KJ's help me? Who can help me? Where can i go for help?
Can i do this myself at home? What type of equipment do i need?
thanks so much for your help
thanks for welcoming me.