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Premadonna Singers
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Author:  SouthPaw [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:27 am ]
Post subject:  Premadonna Singers

I know every crowd has at least one, sometimes more.  They are the person in the crowd who has convinced themselves that they are the best singer in the house.  They perform in a cloud of arrogance and snub anyone else that can sing well.  Alot of the time they are the one that wants to sing duets with alot of people, and sometimes come up asking for a mic during someone elses performance so they can sing back up.  I have even had them try to demand to sing the last song of the night or tell me that I should play longer so the can sing more. These people also tend to be the most critical of just about everything & everyone else. One of mine tried to tell me how to work my sound equipment, when someone else was singing.  I politely informed her that some people have prefered settings and I will change settings at her request ONLY when SHE is singing.

Then I have a regular customer, shows up every night at a certain venue.  He sings karaoke, drinks sodas and on the weekends helps out the bar owner as a designated driver / taxi for the patrons.  I treat him the same as all the other singers with the rotation and such.  As long as there are only 7 or less singers in the rotation everything is fine ... more than that and he gets impatient, ecspecially when there are new singers coming into the rotation before him.  

The first time he came up  and rudely told me that I couldn't follow a rotation because someone had sang solo then again a few songs later in a duet, and demanded his song requests back and stomped away.

The second time there was a rotation of about 17 and he was impatient,  I added a new singer to the rotation before him and he stood up said that he would not be back and stomped out of the bar.  He was gone for about 2 weeks before he started showing up again, then the bar owner prompted him into singing again.  No problem, I let him sing

The Third time is a CHARM!  Really, really, busy night, sometimes 25 singers in the rotation. He had been in the rotation all night and not complaining.  Close to the end of the show the bar owner gives me 15 more minutes cause the crowd is jumping ... it was a young dancing crowd singing hillbilly rock and some heavier rock.  So I looked at my rotation and chose 3 songs from my new singers that were upbeat and good for dancing and announced them as the last 3 songs & singers of the evening, I did not stay in the rotation for the last 3 songs ... had I stayed in rotation he would have come up for The Batlle of New Orleans and I might as well have thrown ice water on the crowd.  He stomped up to me after the announcement and told me that I might have a chance at doing a good show if I could follow some kind of rotation, then stomped off yet again.

We know that it's not possible to please everyone all of the time, we try to please most all the time. Now with this particular singer We are done.  The bar owner was informed that the customer is no longer welcome to sing, even by request.

How do you deal with you PreMaddona's?

Author:  Babs [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 10:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

Wow This guys name isn't Phil is it?  LMAO I think I know him.

Yeah I've had a few of these lovely people. Even if these people do have the best voice in the house people don't clap because of their attitudes. Unfortunately I find no matter how tough I get with them they always come back. Geeez

I try not to let it bother me, but if it gets heated it always does.  I'll usually take them aside and talk to them of course with the "I'm the best - I should sing every song attitude" it usually goes in one ear and out the other.

The regulars in the bar usually put them in their place better than I can. When my Phil would get up to sing people from the crowd would yell "Wah" like a baby crying because he would complain to everyone in the bar he didn't get to sing enough.  LMAO  sometimes in my bar you may only sing once or twice in 5 hours. That is just the way it is when it gets busy.

Go figure he drinks just water and never tips.

Author:  pflugerville [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:28 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

you can't please everyone and in my opinion you hadnled it how it should be handled.  he is not paying your wages, the bar owner is and the bar owner is the one who needs to be happy.  keep it up and he will be very happy because you may have made one person mad that night (and he will most likely be back anyway), but you made several other patrons, some of who may have been new and will come back, happy!

Author:  twansenne [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:37 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

YEah, I have a few of thoes that think they should be on the next America Idol.  They feel that I am doing a show just to cater to their whims and desires.  I usually find some underhanded sneaky, not obvious way to put em in theri place.

One guy sang Fats Domino's "Ain't that a Shame" and did OK, a few people applauded, and his head got bigger than a watermellon.  So a few songs after that I threw in the same song, but it was the Cheap Trick version.  Worked the crowd into a frenzy, and played another good dance tue after that.  THe crowd went nutz, and the Permadonna that sang the Fats D. version, sat sulking in his beer.

Usualyy there is some way to take em down a notch or two, without being too snotty.

Author:  robdogkaraoke [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 12:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

F*** Em! they ain't gonna make or break ya. The bars making money if you got a big rotation going so don't stress about it. :no:

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 1:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

I've been to places like that...... long ago, in the past. You get your wannabe karaoke king or queen (and it seems to usually be a "queen" for some reason, haha). I've even seen people think they've been ripped off if someone sings a song that is one of their "regular" songs.  :roll:  And they get mad at the KJ for putting that person up for that song.  And I've seen 'em get mad when the last 1-3 singers are announced, and when a new person gets put in the rotation, and they "think" they got bumped....

But, where I've been going for the last couple of years, there's really nobody like that. Maybe a few who are a bit egotistical .... but nobody whines to the KJ's like that. (well, maybe ME when I drink too much, haha)........ kidding. The local KJ's have become friends of mine anyhow, and I just wouldn't do that kinda stuff. There are quite  a few regulars who like to sing the same stuff I do, and it's just a matter of how we put the songs up there, as to who sings what each night.  Very friendly atmosphere, just a bunch of people out doing it for the fun of singing and listening. You get your occassional bar brawl..... but that's usually just a couple guys fighting over a woman, nothing to do with singing, or the rotation.

Oh.... and sorry, I'm NOT a KJ..... just giving my 2 cents anyhow. (I'm kinda known for doing that)  :D  :wave:

Author:  Flipper [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:45 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

I use to get all worked up over these type of folks. My weekend gig is in a upper middle class area and sometimes you get the prima-donnas. Most of them tend to be over 50 for some reason.

I have one basic response for that type of person.

#1 I run a fair rotation, offer the best mix I can, and they need to remember that
    we are here to entertain people and entertain ourselves.

#2 This is only karaoke and it is supposed to be fun! And I'm "H*ll Bent On Keeping It That Way" so they need to lighten up or hit the road. Sometimes if they are really being a pain in the a** I remind them that within about 15 blocks from our gig is about 6-7 other karaoke places and perhaps they should go exploring. :O

There is a good reason why they are at my gig.....we run a great show, have a good selection, good mix, and an excellent atmoshpere, and good drinks. I know that they have already explored the other bars in the area and that is why they are coming to our show.

I use to be alot more patient years ago but I know the ones that act like that come and go. They have very little impact on my income or relationship with the bar. I'm there for the customers and the satisfaction that comes from delivering good entertainment. Oh yeah I do like the money as well LOL

Author:  Odie [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:51 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

Interesting, at our Denny's hangout the really good singers are pretty humble and aren't demanding.  The big ego one's aren't anything special.

Author:  Flipper [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 3:59 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

Some of those folks are downright rude and others very subtle in their delivery. Many times the rest of the crowd has no idea what games (mental or verbal) they are playing with the KJ. I try my best not to involve the other customers in their games.

Odie - Canby is much more laid back than the city. So you will usually never see folks like that come in to Denny's. I've been there like 3 times and have never witnessed anything like that happening there.

My gig in Selwood and Milwaukie are usually laid back too but every once in a while you get a doozie that will crash the party.

Author:  Odie [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

Yeah, you're right Flipper.  The few times I've gone to the Canton Grill or the Farmhouse on 82nd, the crowd has been more aggressive and pushy.

Author:  Guest [ Thu Jun 01, 2006 4:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

People are funny are they not? I remember trying my hand at stand up comedy at an open mike night one time. Off to the side, I could see the regular a-hoes standing there snickering at the first timers and I did not need to read lips to know they were putting these people down.  I thought to myself, "Geez, these a-hoes must be pretty damned funny".  They weren't.  In fact, this lady and I came in first and second based on an applause rating (to my credit I was dead sober--no comp drinks for me pal!)   Usually people with that kind of attitude either don't have any innate talent or they are affected to the point where its unbearable to witness them perform.

Author:  Guest [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 12:29 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

On a 30 singer night I had a guy come in and since him and his buddy were new singers, I got them up in a timely manner.   Now he comes back up and demands a favor.  (he's was running for a political office in town)    He wants put up again, right away.    I told him I still had new singers that haven't sang one yet.    He complained to the owner and she told him everyone else was waitng to sing again, also.   He came up behind the table and informed me, under his breath, that (we just had sex) wink,  and he wouldn't forget this.    I was torn between cleaning his clock right there or biting my tongue.    Had I known that the bar owner really didn't care for the guy......
I tell them I have a deal with the bar owner, I don't tell him how to bartend and he doesn't tell me how to run karaoke.

If he turns into a real big problem, I'll tell the bartender/owner, to take care of it.   If it continues, I'll tell the bar owner he has 5 minutes to decide if he wants butthole to be here or me.    I have already walked out of places, I'll do it again.   I don't have to put up with anyones crap.   They aren't paying me that much money.

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:20 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

First come.... First Served.  Once you are in the rotation.. you'll never have anyone placed ahead of you .... nor will you ever sing out of order.  Good singer, bad singer, good song selection, bad song selection... bears no weight.  A person sings when it is their turn in the rotation... and not again .. 'till its their turn again.  No real discussion to be had ... I explain that to those that "think" they should sing more/again... and if they continue to harrass... I either ask them what part of the rule they don't understand... or I tell them that I've explained how things run .. and if they'd rather leave.. I can call the bouncer.  

This is why we have rules, folks.  If you have 'em.. and stick to 'em ... you really shouldn't have a whole lotta problems.   :D

Author:  E.J. McGinley [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 10:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

At one of our local pubs here I heard the bar owner tell the kj not to let several singers sing because they were running off business.  She told him that she couldn't to that - he told her he wasn't asking.  That was her last night.  She said that it was her rep on line.

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 4:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

Yes.... it WAS her rep.  We too would have been done .. but we would have shut the show immediately.... we wouldn't have finished out the night.

We make it real clear going into a gig that the bar rules are up to the bar.. and the karaoke show rules are up to us... if there isn't total agreement with that ... we don't accept the gig.

Author:  Guest [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:25 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

Yes, but I have seen people clean out a crowd, because their singing sucked.   Some left on the first song and others left the second they started singing again.    From the bar owners point of view, I can understand.   Lost business is lost business.   We are always stuck in the middle of something.    Never seems to be a totally right decision.   When it comes to hurting the wallet, yours and theirs.    


Author:  Full House Entertainment [ Fri Jun 02, 2006 11:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

Shotgun CC @ Fri Jun 02, 2006 6:02 pm wrote:
Yes.... it WAS her rep.  We too would have been done .. but we would have shut the show immediately.... we wouldn't have finished out the night.

We make it real clear going into a gig that the bar rules are up to the bar.. and the karaoke show rules are up to us... if there isn't total agreement with that ... we don't accept the gig.

Likewise, - for fun, what do they want to do? Have them run the scales at the door and offer a list of possible songs?  Hogwash!!

Bigdog  Posted: Sat Jun 03, 2006 1:25 am wrote:
Yes, but I have seen people clean out a crowd, because their singing sucked.   Some left on the first song and others left the second they started singing again.    From the bar owners point of view, I can understand.   Lost business is lost business.   We are always stuck in the middle of something.    Never seems to be a totally right decision.   When it comes to hurting the wallet, yours and theirs.    


The bar owner might want to change his/her reaction to what they perceive as bad singers and make all the bar employees do the same.  They are in customer service and if the worst this person does is bomb on a song they want them booted?  I know, they just want them cut of on singing... If that's what they came to do, to me it's the same as booting them.  As for the people who left, that's their own problem.  Once people see there is no minimum bar set for singing ability or genre chosen they will settle in and, more than likely, get better.  Even if they never improve they get the feeling that karaoke is for fun and the employees of the bar treat them with respect, I'll bet they'll thell their friends.  Boot them out or tell them they can't sing 'cuz they're not good enough and you can bet they'll tell their friends!!  Doesn't sound like much of a business dilema to me....

Just my 4 1/2 cents,

Susie :)

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:22 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

Bigdog @ Sat Jun 03, 2006 2:25 am wrote:
Yes, but I have seen people clean out a crowd, because their singing sucked.   Some left on the first song and others left the second they started singing again.    From the bar owners point of view, I can understand.   Lost business is lost business.   We are always stuck in the middle of something.    Never seems to be a totally right decision.   When it comes to hurting the wallet, yours and theirs.    


Image  ...   LOL  

Unless the advertising for the show says... "only those with good or pleasing voices welcome" ... then the owners of clubs need to realize that the singers will not be American Idol "quality" singers. Let's face it... most karaoke singers are simply folks who like to sing or party ... who's voices range from "ouch"  to "wow" .... with most in the "passable" category.  But, they ALL fall in the "thank you for spending some time with us tonight" category.    

Susie is right ... asking someone to leave (or exempting them for poor singing) .. is a HORRIBLE business practice.  If you let yourself be sympathetic to that mentality ... then you are right.. YOUR wallet will be seriously affected in the long run.  People.... and ESPECIALLY Karaoke singers... TALK to one another.  A practice like that will ultimately RUIN not only the business... but the Karaoke show that works for the place.  

Image    :worship:

Author:  Tony [ Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:37 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers

Unless the advertising for the show says... "only those with good or pleasing voices welcome" ... then the owners of clubs need to realize that the singers will not be American Idol "quality" singers.
I just spend a week in Bakersfield, where they have karaoke at the Junction. Thanks God I'm going home. I didn't hear a single person that I would listen twice to :no: The poor girl behind the bar, she works there 6 nights a week, she has my respect. I know, there has to be good, mediocre and bad singers, but are there only bad one's in Bakersfield?

Author:  Tony [ Sat Jun 03, 2006 4:38 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Premadonna Singers


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