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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:47 pm 
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Awhile back Kappy started a thread about is this the real you...Well you have seen my bad side good side and everything between I have got up a few mornings wondering what I posted on this forum in a drunken stupor. Actually deleted some posts...

As a vet I do have some deep issues which most of the youngsters here dont understand...And with whats going on right now in the mid east I get very emotional.. Sometimes I can be very articulate then most of the time sound like a jibbering idiot. I am from the old old school and totally detest what this country has become and to be honest dont understand the contemporary philosophies. In real life I am a shephered The young people listen very carefully to my thoughts and question and learn from an elder. For with the present education system and socialistic control when they reach 18 or 21 they dont have a clue who they are or who their god is. And they are not prepared to assume an adult role They dont even know the difference between a man and a woman. and what the old fashioned roles are Their dependency on others for protection, solutions to simple probems, and many other things which an adult does for theirself is totally abhorrent to this old rural type..

With the steady reduction in vets benefits and witnessing many homeless vets I am not going to touch on other issues  which piss me off.... This country is hosed people...I have a plan if you want be an American then enlist in the armed services...

Ok I have vented a little bit but I am trying to post some positive statements and will try to contribute as the old karyoker  But I will get drunk sometimes and post some rediculous crap.....

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:53 pm 
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hang in there, bud.  we all have our moments!  i, for one, thank every veteran of every war (or conflict, or police action or whatever other bullbleep the government wants to call it) every chance i get.  i am too old and broke down to enlist now, and when i was ablebodied enough to enlist, the airforce didnt want me.  i was to stubborn to go to any other branch of the armed forces.  so from me to you - thanks for everything you did for me.  
as for the government...well, amercia is broken, but i don't know how to fix it.

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 3:55 pm 
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Karyoker, you shared some deep thoughts here, and a lot of it makes sense, or if not (sense) to others, I totally agree with most of your statements. You sound to be a person of reason and a person I have learned a few things from, but this?
karyoker @ Tue May 30, 2006 11:47 pm wrote:
I have got up a few mornings wondering what I posted on this forum in a drunken stupor.
Doesn't sound like you. Was that a statement of pride or a statement of which you are embarrassed about?

On a different note, I will always be greatfull for people that have fought a war for their country. Even gratefull of myself, having spend 2 years in a war. Not a joke, and today? Not appreciated for what we did. Have you ever tried to tell the youth today about what you went through? They look at you as if you are a freak movie from Hollywood. They don't believe, or cannot comprehend what you say, or what you went through. I pi$$ on those who do not appreciate the past.

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:30 pm 
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I didnt post this as getting sympathy I was just trying to explain some of my off the wall posts  and why I seem like a totle (@$%&#!) hole at times...

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:41 pm 
We all have our personal demons Ollie--I certainly have a lot of them (my family story reads like a soap opera to the point people think I'm making up a lot  of it--something out of Lifetime's Movie of the Week I think).

Every day I'm reminded of how much society is deteriorating around us--trust me pal, I'm not entirely happy with many things I see about me.  We can only hope for the best I guess.  I used to drink like you would not believe until it reached a point where I thankfully realized I was not doing myself any good nor serving any purpose in life. I drank because when I was oblivious, everything looked beautiful to me.

It's been many years since I've taken a drink; I don't really count them.  On days when I'm fed up with call the crap and that martini looks inviting, I tell myself, "Maybe I'll have that drink tomorrow, but right now is not a good time." Usually I'm fine the next day.  Someone once told me, if you have something bothering you or you're very upset about something, do the "24 hour hold"--you'd be amazed that by the next day, you no longer are so upset about something.  If you still are, you are at least able to work on the problem without all the emotional conflict.  It's not always easy but it works if you practice.

I'm not in your shoes but I can relate to you I think.  The one thing that keeps me going through it all is finding those little things we overlook and upon reflection realizing just how wonderful they are.  That and sharing what I can of myself to help make life a little more nicer to those who are open to it, even if it's the tiniest thing.  You must realize Ollie that we would be a lot worse off without you here.

PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 4:55 pm 
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I am from the old old school and totally detest what this country has become and to be honest dont understand the contemporary philosophies.

As I think I've told you, I was a cross-addict with a near cirrhotic liver who decided I wanted to live longer than the 27 years of age the medical profession gave me until.  I had to quit, my life was timed. I finally stopped after over 10 times in detox.  Hang in, While you may "detest what this country has become, and have no tolerance for many of todays philosophies", try not to kill yourself over something you have no control of, OTHERS..  It's YOUR life, you did what you felt you needed to do with it. Many will take the less noble path, and many will never serve their country. On the flipside some will also sponge off've others while all along spewing BS, taking from all around them, while never returning or giving anything substantial in return... You don't have control over others.  Fixating on THEIR behaviour is a sure road to Hell..Ollie,  you really need to try to TUNE OUT some of the bullcrap that transpires in internet rooms.  People can and will go out've their way to poke you in the solar-plexis just to watch you throw a fit in this type venue, or anyplace on the internet.. Certainly try NOT to allow internet chatter to get under your skin. Whether or not you believe this exemplifies a larger picture or problem, I suppose attitudes in here, or anywhere obviously are a microcosm of who a person is in real, but sometimes not, there are people online that love to bait people into reacting, and like the real world, there's s $hitload of dishonesty in these rooms (but obviously there are decent people as well). Alot of what bothers you about "attitudes", bothers many, but you CAN'T let others being a$$holes destroy you. To allow what is said in THESE rooms to get you enraged isn't a good idea. It's too easy for people to bs, and screw around behind anonymity in this type venue. People being VERY real is the exception, NOT the norm. So try to not allow yourself to get too strungout based on what you read online.  This should be fun for you, sharing a hobby, something you love. Don't allow it to become a source of rage, and something that exacerbates other issues. It defeats the purpose of why you joined here. 

Other's philosophies, and BS... often the spewing of inanity, or just easy typing....You have NO control of that, try not to react over BS you see in a room that should be fun for you ! "Accept what you can't change", and only try to work with what you CAN do something about, and try to sort out the differences between behaviour stemming from issues with control (that's the serenity prayer, and you MUST try to work it). *WE* aren't going to change ALL or most of the younger kids, we can't possibly !..We aren't going to show most, anything, they find to be some amazing revelation. We especially aren't going to show them ANYTHING by showing our anger ! They just see us as weak in doing that, DESPITE how admirable our past was. I have crap around here that eats at me daily. Living life sober is no picnic. Just took 3 aspirin again for the 3rd time this afternoon.. LOL. Yet I try not to let anger show here.  I try not to allow myself to become too hypervigilant.  ANGER just eats us from the inside out. Reality is, MANY people don't give a damn about the stuff you or I care about.  Why kill yourself over it ? You know MANY peoples values today are F'ed up. We ALL do !  Is THAT worth killing yourself over ?  Work your life... Try not to teach ANYONE else anything (unless they approach you with an interest in learning from you).. Otherwise, You'd be better off trying to teach a rock.  Frustrating ?  Hell yeah... You don't have control over what's going on today... Try to take a load off your back..  You did what YOU did for YOU and YOURS... Although your values were much different. You've got to try to give up the anger !  To you and me certain things are real.  To many online OUR anger is a joke !  Don't let them get your goat !  Hang tough.. THAT's the only way to fight.

I know what you've been thru.  I know the difference between your true personality, and the altered state causing the more aggressive behaviour.  A few times we both got chewed out for being "arrogant", and presuming; We weren't understood. I knew you needed to "vent". I suppose as we expect other's to be "tolerant", we have no choice but to be "tolerant" of other's perspectives despite how stupid or wrong we may find them. (Otherwise, we've empowered their otherwise foolish diatribe, or blather).  What "few" understood is WHY I was going along. You deserved to voice your feelings, and opinions as did others despite the angered presentation, it wasn't the presentation I was looking at. Unlike some,  I understand why people drink. I also understand when we get very emotional like that, we are letting "other's win", we dignify their idiocy. I also understand that because it was my time to stop drinking and drugging, that was only a personal decision (regardless of why).  Not everyone is ready to stop, not everybody can stop. I was getting seriously ill (convulsions, blackouts, frequent substance poisoning, etc)..Today I'm sober.  Depending on what circumstances life brings. There are no guarantee's I'm strong enough to maintain sobriety, or even survive. I too, do the best I can. For most of course, that's not enough. Yet all that becomes, is something else to beat myself up for ~

You've had my respect all along.  I know who you are.  How much you know, and I too respect ANYONE that had the balls to serve our country.  I also respect ALL that are older than me and have been thru as much or more than I have.  I'll never argue with you, or challenge you in here, I won't ever defy you.  I understand anger, and alcohol... What bothers me is that a venue that should be fun, rewarding, and a hobby for you, instead becomes another source of anguish, and frustration for you, despite what underlying reasons are.  This is supposed to be rewarding for you, MANY of us do appreciate your presence here, and have learned ALOT from you.  You don't deserve to get strife in exchange. TRY HARD to not let attitudes get the best of you in internet venues. To do-so presents vultures with a smorgasboard of fun..  You don't deserve that from a venue such as this...

If you ever want to chat,  you know where I am.  (yet who doesn't by now)  LMAO

ADDED IN:   Time to lay down.. LOL  OUCH....damn what a headache...

(If I sound more stupid than usual, my apologies Ollie. It's one of those days. I did want to respond however. Hopefully I only sound as stupid as usual :yes: )

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:16 pm 
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Steven Kaplan @ Tue May 30, 2006 6:55 pm wrote:
As I think I've told you, I was a cross-addict  

cross addict?  i'm not sure what that is, please enlighten.  the first thing that came to mind is that you are addicted to religion, but that's not such a bad thing.

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PostPosted: Tue May 30, 2006 6:57 pm 
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Hey Ollie,

Do me a favor and stop referring to yourself as a VET when you make excuses for your behavoir....If you are a drunk and act like a jerk when you drink, then don't blame it (or any other problem you might have) on the fact you are  VET.

When you do so you embarrass me, my brother, my dad, and his dad.

I am a 3rd generation lifer VET and none of us blamed our "issues" on the fact we served in the military....Personally, I am very sick of folks claiming/blaming military service for their problems.....In truth, the military is probably the best thing that ever happened to those whiners.

It's only LIFE Ollie, deal with it.

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:05 am 
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AllStar @ Tue May 30, 2006 3:55 pm wrote:

Allstar.............??  :shock:  :?:

KEITH02: Do me a favor and stop referring to yourself as a VET when you make excuses for your behavoir....If you are a drunk and act like a jerk when you drink, then don't blame it (or any other problem you might have) on the fact you are  VET.

Keith, that was an (@$%&#!) attitude to take. Get mad and say something rude back, I don't really care. It took alot of guts to post what he did.

Ollie..... haven't talked to you for a while..... but IMO it takes a man to admit his faults and face them.  Expecially in a public forum. I know lots of people who turn to alcoholism for various reasons, past US service included .... my brother is one of them, thought his is a different story.... and it almost ruined his life. (but 2 years now he's been clean....) Things can & will change if ya get help.

I personally think it took alot of bravery to post what ya did. And I'd ignore the ones who have anything negative to say about it. Heck, I'll stand behind ya.  You seem like a good, honest person..... and I'm 99.99999999% sure all of us here have a few skeletons in our closets.   :hug:  :wave:

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 8:50 am 
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the older vets for the most part have been TOTALLY skrewed over by our country's government. They have disabilities that are either from when they served, or are problems that have surfaced after they've had a few years. The veteran's administration throws so many monkey wrenches in the works when it comes to caring for the people that really need the help. I'm not talking theory here either. I've seen and met people who go to the VA all the time. Every year, the standards change. People have to be recertified,  travel sometimes hundreds of miles to get medication that could easily be mailed to them, or are flat-out DENIED benefits due to the administration changing the rules...

It used to be the homeless vet situation was of a drunk that didn't want to stop drinking. Nowadays it's because the Bush Administration is hacking and slashing benefits and package plans left and right... not only of our veterans, but of all types.

The problem didn't start with George, but ihe's definately magnified the problem.

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 9:09 am 
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Lil Mizz Bluegrazz @ Wed May 31, 2006 10:05 am wrote:
 and I'm 99.99999999% sure all of us here have a few skeletons in our closets.  

not me!


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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 9:54 am 
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no vocals @ Wed May 31, 2006 9:09 am wrote:
Lil Mizz Bluegrazz @ Wed May 31, 2006 10:05 am wrote:
 and I'm 99.99999999% sure all of us here have a few skeletons in our closets.  

not me!

Yah, uh-huh, sure Steve!

Me neither......  :angel:

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 10:17 am 
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I understand you posted to give us more insight on your personal
situation, so we could understand you better. I know you said you did not want
sympathy, so I hope this doesn't sound that way. I have great respect for anyone
who has served our country. Maybe this is the reason you started drinking - I don't know. It doesn't matter the reason why in my mind - I still respect you for protecting
us and our right to be free. It does take a lot of guts to tell  us what you did and I have to respect that also. I respect your opinion and experience that will never change. I have close friends who are alcoholics and I consider them good people with a bad problem. I hope some day you can face your demands and win.
Thank you for being honest and trusting us with something so personal.  :hug:

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 11:30 am 
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Only thing worse than a skeleton in your closet, is when it's still dancing to "The Village people". That's horrifying !

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 2:00 pm 
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Lil Mizz Bluegrazz @ Wed May 31, 2006 10:05 am wrote:
AllStar @ Tue May 30, 2006 3:55 pm wrote:

Allstar.............??  :shock:  :?:

KEITH02: Do me a favor and stop referring to yourself as a VET when you make excuses for your behavoir....If you are a drunk and act like a jerk when you drink, then don't blame it (or any other problem you might have) on the fact you are  VET.

Keith, that was an  attitude to take. Get mad and say something rude back, I don't really care. It took alot of guts to post what he did.

Ollie..... haven't talked to you for a while..... but IMO it takes a man to admit his faults and face them.  Expecially in a public forum. I know lots of people who turn to alcoholism for various reasons, past US service included .... my brother is one of them, thought his is a different story.... and it almost ruined his life. (but 2 years now he's been clean....) Things can & will change if ya get help.

I personally think it took alot of bravery to post what ya did. And I'd ignore the ones who have anything negative to say about it. Heck, I'll stand behind ya.  You seem like a good, honest person..... and I'm 99.99999999% sure all of us here have a few skeletons in our closets.   :hug:  :wave:
Ollie knows where I am coming from...He is an ex sailor, and I'm still a grizzled old hard nosed Senior Chief....all I told him was what he needed to hear-one sailor to another....I seriously doubt he was insulted....If he was, then I need to repeat myself till he gets so mad that he fights back.

Believe it or not young lady, every man needs to find the FIGHT inside himself if he is going to cope with life and win.....and that is one thing the military can do for a man is make him learn that he can DO ANYTHING he sets his mind to....Sometimes he has to get angry....So if my words make him angry, then my hope is he will turn that anger against his demons and fight them like a man.

Charmin, I don't expect you to understand-it's a man thang-it's a military thang....We sometimes insult each other to motivate each other to be the best we can be.....I said those things to Ollie out of respect.

If I didn't respect him and think he was worth it, I would have remained silent.

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 2:01 pm 
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Steven Kaplan @ Wed May 31, 2006 11:30 am wrote:
Only thing worse than a skeleton in your closet, is when it's still dancing to "The Village people". That's horrifying !

Nah, nothing that drastic Steven.

My skeletons belly dance.  :D

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 2:05 pm 
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Lil Mizz Bluegrazz @ Wed May 31, 2006 4:01 pm wrote:
Steven Kaplan @ Wed May 31, 2006 11:30 am wrote:
Only thing worse than a skeleton in your closet, is when it's still dancing to "The Village people". That's horrifying !

Nah, nothing that drastic Steven.

My skeletons belly dance.  :D
Nope, the only thang worse than a skeleton in you closet is one in your grave.

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 2:07 pm 
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Well, Keith, this is a "decent human thang"....... from one person to another....... if you're trying to be so dayum helpful, and feel you and he are "of the same cloth" so to speak....... take that kinda (@$%&#!) to a PM or email, don't cut him low in the public forums for speaking of something he's probably not proud of.

......And btw, that's my last word on it. Not gonna start an argument, or be part of one. You blow my mind sometimes though, his alcoholism may be his problem, but your ego is yours.

One more thing..... it's NOT a "man thang"..... don't forget all the women who join the services and risk their lives as well...... or who worked behind the lines to take care of all those injured soldiers.

♥ Laugh your heart out, dance in the rain. Cherish the memories, ignore the pain. Love and learn, forget and forgive. Because you only have one life to live. ♥

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 2:37 pm 
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>One more thing..... it's NOT a "man thang"..... don't forget all the women who join the services and risk their lives as well...... or who worked behind the lines to take care of all those injured soldiers.<

Sorry sweetcheeks, it is a man's thang still....Women in service haven't yet changed that, and they never will.

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PostPosted: Wed May 31, 2006 2:40 pm 
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>No comment<

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