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Fellow KJ's With Little Class
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Author:  SouthPaw [ Fri May 12, 2006 12:50 am ]
Post subject:  Fellow KJ's With Little Class

I was wondering if anyone else ever had problems with fellow KJ's & how you handled them.  I don't see being a KJ as a competition, it all for the love of singing and having fun.  Yet we have had a repeated problem one.  They show up at our venues and go around to all the singers informing them of where and when they are playing. They have tried to push their way in on our bookings and when failing to take our booking they took our tambourine home with them.  They even went so far as to go to the newspaper and have themselves listed as the entertainment on a night when we were booked. They also send scouts to our shows to see what we are doing.  I am honored in a way that they are so interested in the way that we conduct our shows, but can't help being a little irritated when they show up.  So far our way of dealing with them has been to kill them with kindness.  We treat them as well as any other customer and have even went so far as to attend one of their karaoke shows and even when asked what we did for a living we did not say that we did karaoke, as to not impose or advertise.  So what would you do?

Author:  Guest [ Fri May 12, 2006 12:54 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

Please don't think I'm an imbecile (actually I'm just an idiot) but what is a "KJ"? I'm new to this whole racket! Thanks, Michael

Author:  mroctober [ Fri May 12, 2006 3:01 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

We all here have a secert desire to be Kevin Johnson an old Phoenix suns Basketball player.

So we lable ourselves KJ's after him.

KJ has nothing to Do with Karaoke Jockies. Thats just the Cover up.

Author:  TopherM [ Fri May 12, 2006 5:58 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

And all this time I have been worshiping PGA golfer KJ Choi...man was I off!!

It's even worse than the time I sacrificed that chicken to Detroit running back Kevin Jones on the copper hearth in my backyard and posted the audio in the singer's forum. Man was I embarassed....


Author:  Babs [ Fri May 12, 2006 6:44 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

For the most part the other KJs I've dealt with have been great. I have 4 that regular my show. Three of them are wonderful. We all help each other out if we can. I actually tell people about their shows and they do the same for me. We have enough business to go around. We lend CDGs to each other for specialty shows etc....  I love when they come in. It is nice to talk to people who do what I do.

I did have problems with one though. They tried to steal my gig and bad mouth me. I think that is so stupid. It didn't get them anything, but hated by the patrons. They don't know I know so I play nice when they come in. This was about a year ago. People actually leave if they see them come in now. When KJs do things like this I think they just make a bad name for themselves. The funny thing is when they come in they usually bring people with them. I have never been to one of their shows.

Part of it is I have 3 or more shows a week I don't need more work. There is no reason to step on each others toes. If we were all trying to land the same gigs it
probably would be more competitive. But I have to agree it is hard to put on a smile when you feel like your enemy is trying to steal your job under your nose.

Author:  Flipper [ Fri May 12, 2006 8:42 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

Most of the KJ's I have dealt with in this area have been very supportive. I have in the past come to the aid of several competitors when their system was down and I lent them my second system so their gig could function for the weekend until they could get their equipment replaced or repaired. We have also borrowed discs from each other for special events.

I frequently refer the KJ's in my support network when I'm already booked to help the customer out. I do this to promote good will.

I have only had one KJ in this network that took advantage of me by handing out business cards and attempting to steal customers from me. It backfired on him bigtime. My regulars were totally turned off by this type of approach and rejected him. The ones that did go to his show were turned off when he began to badmouth me and promptly returned to my show.

Then one day he called me and needed to borrow a system because he had a sound board go down. My response was "That is what equipment rental companies are all about" and suggested that he contact them. The guy was totally shocked by my response as I had helped him out in a couple of situations like that before and charged him nothing to borrow stuff.

I said that I had been extremely supportive of his business and yet he was trying to build his business by attempting to steal my customers. I trusted you and you betrayed that trust. You have lost the privilege of my association with you. I wished him good luck in his business...cause he's gonna need it.  As for coming to my gigs I cant really stop him from doing that but if I see that he's scouting my customers he will be asked to leave. The bar owner and staff will support this.

All the other KJ's in our support group frequent each others shows when we can. But no promotion takes place as we all respect each others businesses. I truly value those relationships.

As for your situation, why not discuss this with the bar owner and see what his feelings are about it. I doubt if he would look kindly on this guy coming in and recruiting his bar customers either. Perhaps you could get the owners support so when this guy comes in and starts that crap all you have to do is have the bartender deal with cutting him off and asking him to leave.

That is amazing that he even went to the trouble of advertising his name at your venue. What an idiot....total waste of his money. Certainly not yours....he is driving business your way by doing that. Even people who come to see him will probably stay and sing a few. Once they have a taste of your show...they might just become one of your regulars.  LMAO

Your kill them with kindness approach is admirable and I respect you for having the patience with this guy.  :worship: But if this persists and he does have some success in this approach he will not hesitate to continue using it. Obviously you are angry at this guy for his approach, why not make him feel some discomfort.

Is he harming your show or reputation?  That is for you to decide. Just a wild guess on my part is that he may be doing more to promote it than anything.

Author:  SouthPaw [ Fri May 12, 2006 1:11 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

His actions have had no difference in our business or bookings.  He has managed to leave a bad taste in the mouth of the Bar Owners where we play.  Even banned from one location.  We managed to stay booked an average of 4 nights a week and average 10-25 singers each night.  I just don't understand his motivation.  We do have the Bar Owners permission to ask them to leave if they start soliciting in the future.  But honestly I am starting to enjoy the kill them with kindness thing ... LOL!  They showed up again last night and I gave him his Personalized Song List and the whole nine.  Course I also found out that he pays singers to attend his shows and help out as KJ's so that he always has someone that can sing.  That has to hurt the bottom line huh?

Author:  Babs [ Fri May 12, 2006 1:13 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

That's a beautiful thing  :hi5: reputation is everything - this guy is a true
slime bag

Author:  Lonman [ Fri May 12, 2006 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

SouthPaw @ Fri May 12, 2006 1:11 pm wrote:
I just don't understand his motivation.  

His motivation is simply he obviously can't get customers of his own or is very insecure about his show, so he has to solicit singers from other shows hoping that he'll get a few.

Author:  pflugerville [ Fri May 12, 2006 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

mroctober @ Fri May 12, 2006 5:01 am wrote:
We all here have a secert desire to be Kevin Johnson an old Phoenix suns Basketball player.

So we lable ourselves KJ's after him.

KJ has nothing to Do with Karaoke Jockies. Thats just the Cover up.

dang!  i thought it was Kevin Johnson the wide out who use to be with Baltimore!

as for that KJ trying to butt in, if one of your patrons brings up the subject, i have no problem with him letting them know when aand where he plays.  if HE brings it up, then it's a whole other matter.  still i don't let that bother me much.  i've had people come adn tell me they we going to take all of my singers, but i'm still standing.  i agree with babs, that this guy you're dealing with is a greaseball.  sounds like you're doing everything just right in dealing with him.. kudos to you

Author:  big jimmy c [ Fri May 12, 2006 2:50 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

I was a kj for quite a few years, Semi retired from it the last couple except for a party gig or two.

Motivation is cash, Some people have no boundaries when it comes to the green.

Author:  Flipper [ Fri May 12, 2006 6:47 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

Lets see KJ = Karaoke Junkie LOL  Am I right? :shock:  :D

Author:  Jian [ Fri May 12, 2006 7:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

Flipper @ 13th May 2006, 10:47 am wrote:
Lets see KJ = Karaoke Junkie LOL  Am I right? :shock:  :D

Is't it how it is defined as per this Forum. Ask Steven.

Author:  Flipper [ Fri May 12, 2006 7:18 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

Kappy.....oh....Here Kappy! Kappy!............ :wave:

Can you confirm this?   Ok what did I win? LMAO

Thanks Jian :oh yeah:

Author:  Guest [ Sat May 13, 2006 12:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

The karaoke business has always been very cut throat around here.   There has to be at least 100-200 KJ's around this area.    I can usually spot another KJ a mile away.    Sneakin' and peakin' around.   Some can be real snakes.     I can tell when I'm being scouted.    The bar (idiot) owner told me this was his reason.   Everybody wants some thing they can't have or get on their own.     It's much easier to rob someone elses job (for singers) than to build up your own, when you can't do it and don't have a clue.    It used to bother me but I pretty much expect anything and everything, where other KJ's are concerned.   I do know many and there are some that I would help with anything.  There are others that I would just as soon run over.

Author:  gahmc [ Thu May 25, 2006 5:17 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

I'm so sorry that you're having a problem with another KJ... I don't have any advise... I'm friends with several KJs around here, and their friendship and support is invaluable to me.  When I visit their shows, it's because I want to sing without the hassle of running my own show.
We've even filled in for each other when one of us was sick. Luckily we know the owners of each others bars, so that's never a problem.

I personally don't think I'd handle your situation any differently than you have been.  Sounds like they're digging their own grave.....

Author:  SwingcatKurt [ Thu May 25, 2006 6:22 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

I go around to MANY KJ shows as part of my job. I write feature karaoke storys for 3 entertainment magazines(KS included). So I get to meet and know many more than the average person might. As part of that I have to evaluate and review their show and either write really positive things about  the expereince if it was a really good show or just a bare minimum neccessary to simply fill a VERY SMALL column space if the show really sucked(and Ive come across a couple of those). Sometimes I go to just hang out and see them when they get a new gig or drop in just to check out a new place I come across. By and large they are mostly helpful and respecful of each other. However there are a couple things i see frequently that kinda go against that:

1. Being overly proud:  When they start describing themselves at THE BEST or MOST Professional or way above everyone else. I find that to be very boorish and really kind of irritating. Each show has its own strengths and weakenesses and is unique in its own way. What it really gets right down to it the "BEST" show is the one that the customers at that show are enjoying and having a good time at then and there. So really in most cases most places are "THE BEST".

2. Cutting down others: Oh he sucks, oh they have a lousy system, or that KJ stinks.
Chopping someone else to make yourself seem better really is a very POOR statement of your own character. BIG TURNOFF. Pasrticularly in my case--since I often have known the person being busted on from other times Ive been to their show! The fact of the matter is that if they have crowds all the time and are holding down a gig night after night, well then obviously they DONT SUCK to that group of customers who like going there night after night!

3. Arrogance: in general anyone thats simply too full of themselves. Especially when they come off as rude or self occupied or feel the need to show up the singing custies. A cardinal sin!

4. Slovenlyness/lacidaisical attitude: when they dont have enough rescpect for the custie to provide clean books, or work hard at conducting an upbeat hi-energy show. When they're simply going through the motions and dont care anymore about their product or seeing to it that thier custies enjoy the experience at thier show. IE: yakking on the cell phone during the show, saying nothing more than "BOB your up", not accknowledging the custie's effort singing a song. One of the seven DEADLY SINS!

5. Headhunters: I've had it happen where they actually got done singing and tried to recruit peopel to come to their show while on the mic! And recruit people to come DJ for them! (a certain multi-rig operator here in Portland who has a well-earned reputation for undercutting and insufferability).

6. Scouts: Ive had a few of those---no skin off my back. Theyre  free to drop in anytime they like. Its always wise to keep abreast of the competition. I do the same thing to try to find ways I can improve my show and performance. If I see something that is unique and would fit well, then sure incorporate it. If someone is doing something better than I am then its incumbent on me to step up my own performance to provide the best I can to my custies.

There are many KJ's out there that support each other and help each other out. Unfortunately there also are too many backstabbers. Much like any other payton place situation. Particulary where money and EGO are involved. So you have to pick and choose and approach each situation with an open mind when vistiing other shows. There is no ONE BEST WAY. THE BEST WAY is that which the custies at that place have a good time with.

Just some observations.

Author:  Steven Kaplan [ Thu May 25, 2006 7:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

OMG,  I'm SO totally embarrassed.

This isn't the Kinky Jewish Singles club ?

Author:  SouthPaw [ Fri May 26, 2006 12:27 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

I appreciate all the feedback.  The competition seems to be giving me a rest for the past few week and I only have one venue that they are not barred from already so I don't see it being a problem.  I thought it was interesting that the last time we had a night off and went out they happened to be playing the bar where we went.  They problem DJ asked us for a business card  and wanted to know if we could possibly cover some dates for him for bookings he can't cover.  I'm not sure what the deal is behind that unless he thinks we will ask him to do the same at some point and time, of course that won't happen.  We have met a few other KJ's and thankfully they are normal, honest people like we are.  And we actually have asked one of them to cover a booking for us.  That is the biggest advantage to networking with others in the business as opposed to competeing and back stabbing.   The KJ that will be filling in for us is one of our regular singers and he specializes in private venues but is willing to cover a public venue for us for an evening.  He also had bad dealings with the same competitor, and because of that he wasn't going to tell us that he was also a KJ.  We're glad he did cause its working out well for all of us.  Its nice to know you have someone to call that can do the job if something happens that you can't make it.  Way better than sending in a greenhorn and having the crowd crush them.

Someone had brought up the annoying people that try to critisize others singing abilities.  We saw a woman that entered a Karaoke Contest and when she didn't win she start cussing out the judges and other people in the bar.  An extreme display of just plain BAD manners.  When someone else sings a song that she sings, she goes around the bar like she's taking a poll saying that she sings the song WAY better and don't they agree with her?  She has a really bad case or crainial invertion!   Oh well, I guess you have to have one every once in awhile, I'm just glad it wasn't my show.  How would you all handle someone like that?  Cut them off, take them out of the rotation, public humiliation?  For me it would depend on my mood at the time, but most likely I would take them out of the rotation and if and when they ask me about it I would explain that - and not American Idol .... LOL ... actually that it is NOT a competition, its about having fun and expressing yourself with music .... but more actually having fun, cause I really don't care if they have that tune in a bucket or not I will still encourage them and applaude their efforts and if they keep putting in requests I will let them tear 'em up all night.    Thanks again for all the feedback Yal!  Look forward to seeing more!

Author:  Shotgun CC [ Fri May 26, 2006 3:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Fellow KJ's With Little Class

Can't say we have much trouble with other KJ/DJ services in this area ... as demographics would have it .... we provide most of the Karaoke for our immediate downtown area ... and to a few venues @ 10-15 minutes away or so.  Seems every small area that is within a 10-15 mile radius from us has one venue that hires KJ's.  Each of those areas seems to have a local KJ .. someone that lives in that community. Rarely if ever, do we have anyone ever try to undercut or steal a venue from someone else.  Most seem pretty happy with their "turf"... and their set of singers are loyal to them... as ours are pretty loyal to us.  Once in a while... if we a get a call from a place that is a bit further away from "homebase" than we want to do on a weekly basis... we'll suggest one of the KJ's from around that area.  

In only one case can I think of a KJ that bad talks other KJ's ... but that reflects back on them ... as they find it hard to keep gigs.  The bars/clubs LIKE to have Karaoke ... but the singers/patrons don't like this particular KJ ... and when the bar lets them go ... and then hires anther KJ to do the gig ... The "not so popular" KJ almost always try to find a way to "blame" the new KJ for the lost gig.  I think HISTORY sorta speaks for itself in this case.

We DO go to other people's shows .. and they come to ours.  It is usually very cordial ... and in fact... when they sing at our shows .. we always call them up ... and give 'em a plug... "Here comes Big Dave... of the Dave and Mary show in Peru, NY. "   Now... I will say ... we are never introduced that way at other shows.. but WHO CARES?  We aren't trying to recruit gigs.... we are out for a night of karaoke SINGING .. which quite frankly we don't get to do too often at our own show.  I (hostess/assistant) used to sing at the bottom of every round ... and the KJ only if a special request comes in .... but once we have a 25 or greater singer rotation .. I stop singing.  Sooo... IF we feel like SINGING ... we go to another show.... to SING.

There is one other DJ in this area that we call on in emergency and he does the same to us.  We've helped one another a lot in the last few years ... covering weddings/parties....school events... for the other... when one has had a previous booking.  

So, with the exception of the one KJ around here... we just don't run ino the kinds of problems you are having.  Sounds like you have a lowlife to deal with .. but I wouldn't worry too much .. that kind of person won't last long in the "loop" ... that sort of behave is "self blackballing".  Club owners don't wanna deal with the likes of that kind.  

Good Luck to you!

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