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Using KAR files with Band in a Box
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Author:  Michael_Schaap [ Tue May 09, 2006 7:50 am ]
Post subject:  Using KAR files with Band in a Box

Hello there.  My name is Michael and I just bought Band in a Box.  One of the reasons why I got it is that it can use KAR files.  ONly problem is I cant find any:(  I have a lot of Karaoke songs.....I got CDG, Midi, Wav... I mean I can convert I believe anything into anything, but I'm not finding "KAR" files.  I know this is a simple thing and I am just missing it..... thoughts....?

Author:  Jian [ Tue May 09, 2006 9:31 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using KAR files with Band in a Box

You can use midi file in Band in a box. So where is your problem? If what you mean by Kara is midi file with sweeping  lyric, there are tons of it on the internet. Pm me and I give you some links.

Author:  Guest [ Tue May 09, 2006 11:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using KAR files with Band in a Box

Enlighten me, what's band in a box?

Author:  Jian [ Wed May 10, 2006 12:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Using KAR files with Band in a Box

Band in a box is a midi recording program by pgmusic.

Author:  Michael_Schaap [ Fri May 12, 2006 12:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using KAR files with Band in a Box

My files I have are CDG or MP3+G, I could also get BIN.  I have a bunch of programs but so far none that converts this format to MID or KAR.  I know that if I have a MID that I can just change the extention.  But files comming from a CDG disk dont seem to be MID or KAR, you need to convert them.  I guess that is where the question is coming from:)

Author:  Jian [ Fri May 12, 2006 6:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Using KAR files with Band in a Box

I get it; you want to convert wav/mp3 to MIDI.  Just google 'wav to midi converter' and you will get a few to choose from. I have never try any of them. and I think Band in a box have that function too.
Like I say before there are tons of those midi/kar file in the net; even very new song theat have no cdg version may have kar.midi version. You just have to look around. Most are 'free'.

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