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Driving me crazy
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Author:  Babs [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 12:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Driving me crazy

My daughter who just turned 19 has been in 2 accidents in a month. 2nd one happened just today. She was changing lanes and didn't see the guy in her blind spot.
her fault.

The insurance company calls about the 1st accident telling us if she doesn't get the accident report sent in to them today the guy who owns the car she hit is going to sue.  LMAO I'm laughing because I don't know what he thinks he'll get out of her besides he checking account that is in a negative amount. She sent the report in right away, but sent it to the wrong address. We didn't find out they didn't get it until they called. Arrgg...  She was backing out of a driveway and the idiot was parked right behind it. I never park behind someones driveway unless there isn't any where else to park.

I have a 16 yr old daughter in Driver's Ed. right now. It was so much easier when they were little.

Author:  timberlea [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Driving me crazy

a. if it were my car the 19 yo wouldn't be driving anymore;

b. the only "idiot" as you say is your daughter for not checking and looking back to make sure it's safe;

c.  he will sue and your insurance company is going to pay and your rates will sky rocket;

d. two accidents in a month tells me she is not paying attention and needs more driving training; and

e. I hope you're making the daughter pay the deductibles for the accidents she caused and yes she caused both (1st unsafe lane change and 2nd backing while unsafe to do so) and you don't have a leg to stand on.   The only hope is that the insurance company may assess some blame on the other driver for where he was parked but your daughter will get the brunt).

Sorry if it sounds harsh but that's the reality from someone who's investigated hundreds of accidents.  Too many people driving of all ages and both sexes who do not pay attention to what they are doing.

Author:  Babs [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 1:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Driving me crazy

No not harsh - she was at fault for both. I didn't mention to her I thought the guy was stupid for parking behind a driveway (just commomn sense to me) because I didn't want her placing blame on him. She should have looked 1st.

It is her car. She paid for it and it is in her name. She pays her own insurance. I beleive kids should learn to appreciate what they have by working for it. This will not impact my insurance at all. It is a seperate policy of her own.

She has been driving for 3 years in Chicago traffic and these are her first accidents.
I'm glad she can learn a lesson with no one getting hurt. Maybe she will be more careful now. It is her pocket book getting hurt here not mine, but of course I worry.

Author:  Charmin_Gibson [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 4:00 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Driving me crazy

Wow, I'd be stressed. Even it being her own car & her own policy. But, stranger things have happened. Atleast, like you said, nobody was hurt- and these two incidences may make her have more caution, and stop a 3rd (possibly worse) one from happening.

My oldest son, who is 19 almost 20..... got in an accident in the mountains within 3 months of getting licensed- he totalled his partially restored 1964 GMC flatbed truck. (after dumping bucks in it for a year... tons of chrome & all that good stuff) He slid down a hill and around a corner- a telephone pole stopped him- he broadsided it and it broke in half. Luckily, neither him or his girlfriend were hurt at all. But had he of been driving a bit more carefully.... he would not have had the accident. I don't think he was being "reckless", just "careless". And it sure taught him a lesson. It scared him- and his truck was history.

The insurance company calls about the 1st accident telling us if she doesn't get the accident report sent in to them today the guy who owns the car she hit is going to sue.

c.  he will sue and your insurance company is going to pay and your rates will sky rocket;

And you guys have some odd insurance laws & regulations. Here in Oregon, there would be no "sue the insurance company"...... if a policy was in force, they would simply pay it after taking the statements from both parties. And.... your daughter wouldn't have to "file a report" with the insurance company. The other party could call in & make the claim, as the injured party. Funny how that kind of stuff varies state to state.

I just got back from DMV..... I now have TWO licensed kids, my 17 year old just passed his test.  :shock:  Now I gotta get my daughters permit for her to start practicing....  :shock:  :shock: .... Two down, two to go. Lord help me. hahaha

Author:  Jian [ Wed Apr 26, 2006 5:57 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Driving me crazy

In my country, if you get into that kind of accident in the first 2 years of getting a licence, then you get a huge demerit points. You may get the licence withdrawn.

Author:  big jimmy c [ Fri May 12, 2006 3:42 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Driving me crazy

Even if the insurance doesnt pay the suer can get a judgement against her that will be on her credit report. Her best bet is to pay what she can or have an attorney deal with his ins co.

I had a few wrecks as a teenager. The first one i was 16 and rear ended a district attorney with my fathers car. The d.a. yelled and got in my face so much i ran away on foot. Later after police confronted my father and i showed up back home, My father surrendered me under his attorney and supported me until i was able to pay 602 dollars repairs.

I wrecked my moms car at 18 but it wasnt my fault.

Support your daughter but make her do the right thing

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