Bigdog said:
... you better be super clean 100% of the time because you won't know when they are coming. I'll repeat myself. Best say nothing, to no one. Deal with it. I don't like it but...... You just might start something that they will finish for you. You might go down with them.
Am I the only one in this forum that doesn't used burned cds? Maybe I'm behind the times, but I wouldn't be able to burn a cd+g on my computer, even if I had to. I tried it once, and the audio came out fine, but no graphics. I worked at a bar that was buying burned cd+g's from another KJ here in Topeka. They were paying him $10 a disc, and I could've gotten most of those discs, new, for less than $10 each. The problem was, that he was copying them at too high a speed, and, most of the time, when you played them, there was a lot of "confetti" on the screen. They were pretty much unusable.
I can understand backing up your original cds to protect your investment, (if I could only figure out how to do that with a 660 mHz Celeron II processor, 64 megabytes of ram, windows ME and a five year old cd-rw drive). I
can't understand using cd's that work like crap, or cutting corners and putting your livelihood at risk.
Sea.eng1 said:
The pathetic aspect of this forum and threads about problems of piracy as you all call it is that there is so much bickering and egos involved.
I don't understand this response at all. What does piracy or illegal copying have to do with egos?
There are trolls here that with a simple scheme totally destroy any newbies desire to participate, agitate everybody here with an enimic ego and why the moderators dont do something is beyond my comprehension.
How do the trolls do this and in what way? Who, specifically, are you referring to as a troll?
I have seen very few threads here (I only read when we are in port) that actually resolve anything.
Then you need to read more threads.
Should we work on real solutions or live in a internet fantasy land.(?) A real KJ here told me that a local bought a system with a hard drive with Soundchoice on it with no cds(.) He called Soundchoice( - ) they told him OK(,) since you are honest(,) you agree to pay us so much a month and we will send you a letter of legal authorization for anybody that asks.
That actually sounds like a reasonable solution to a real problem.
I have been all over the world(.) it is not the bands or cheap entertainment that determine the success or profit for any club. It is the local economy, law structure, and many other factors. In a(n) atmosphere like Vegas do you think an entertainer that works for less will prosper? Dont think so...Provide quality and gradually that philosophy will prevail. I can imagine a thread where some hookers are ... complaining about 5th and Grand ave where they only charge $50..
I'm missing the point here. Please elaborate.
If you dont think the singers and karaoke nuts dont realize who is cheating who and who are the assholes then you are totally caught up in the fantasy of this forum.
"the fantasy of this forum?" Again, I'm lost. In what way is this forum a "fantasy?" You seem to show a lot of disrespect for this forum, and the people on it, yet you choose to post anyway. I'm wondering why.
let the trolls jump in with their egotistical comments but lets come up with some solutions and positive ideas .
Do you have any? if so, I'd like to hear them.
Bury your head in the sand yank? I been in the Sahara desert...
Your point being?
Copyrights ? Lets talk about then the laws that directly apply to the KJ business and what we need to do to do to to inform the lawmakers what we need...
"... what we need to do
to do to to inform the lawmakers what we need?" Good idea. (I think.) Let's.
Adult procedures ahead procede with ego lrft at the door and trolls not apply
Again, I'm lost. I don't even know what this run on sentence means. (lrft at the door???)
Please clarify. I'm sure you have something to contribute. I'm just at a loss to figure out what it is, mate.