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Acesonic kod vs Rj tech juke box
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Author:  metalgod [ Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:13 am ]
Post subject:  Acesonic kod vs Rj tech juke box

Which one would you chose. An empty acesonic for a grand or a fully loaded juke box w/ 8000 songs ( sc foundations, dk library,spanish,disney/motown,top hits monthly. elvis ) for 799.99

Author:  knightshow [ Thu Apr 06, 2006 6:45 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Acesonic kod vs Rj tech juke box

the SC library is illegal. Can tell you that without hesitation. They've never given rights to have any of their library sold with computers. Nor has Disney! They're notoriously stingy with their property and their copyright.

DK can't give permission either, as they've been out of business for a long time. So has pioneer.

The sale you're looking at is totally illegal. Do what you will, but don't come complaining when the copyright holders eventually get their act together in the courts. Now, by knowingly purchasing a unit with a stolen library, you'd be held totally liable.

Author:  Flipper [ Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:10 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Acesonic kod vs Rj tech juke box

There are lot's of these type of machines here in our area.

I have invested over 20K in karaoke cdg's over the past 8 years and now some guy just starting out can purchase a unit for $800 and he is in business.

However because I have loaded my songs on my computer they say that I'm just as illegal as the $800 guy and he has never paid for the music just the player.

There is something very wrong about that!!

Author:  Lonman [ Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:35 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Acesonic kod vs Rj tech juke box

Flipper @ Thu Apr 06, 2006 7:10 am wrote:
There are lot's of these type of machines here in our area.

I have invested over 20K in karaoke cdg's over the past 8 years and now some guy just starting out can purchase a unit for $800 and he is in business.

However because I have loaded my songs on my computer they say that I'm just as illegal as the $800 guy and he has never paid for the music just the player.

There is something very wrong about that!!

If you can prove you own the discs for each & any rig you are using, it's highly doubtful that anything would come of it.  It's the ones that buy the "loaded" systems without a single disc in their posession that are going to get nailed in the long run.

Author:  Flipper [ Thu Apr 06, 2006 1:32 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Acesonic kod vs Rj tech juke box

I'm legally in check in my book, but everyone has different views. If they check me and prove to me that I'm breaking the law I will retire (begrudgingly) my hard drive and go back to a player. By then I will suspect I will be out of the business.

Author:  robdogkaraoke [ Thu Apr 06, 2006 2:40 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Acesonic kod vs Rj tech juke box

What jukebox are you talking about? The rj tech jukebox comes loaded with 30,000 midi songs but no good cdg companies songs. the acesonic comes loaded with sweet georgia brown and music meistro packs (and they send you the original disks with it).

Author:  twansenne [ Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:02 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Acesonic kod vs Rj tech juke box

robdogkaraoke @ Thu Apr 06, 2006 4:40 pm wrote:
What jukebox are you talking about? The rj tech jukebox comes loaded with 30,000 midi songs but no good cdg companies songs. the acesonic comes loaded with sweet georgia brown and music meistro packs (and they send you the original disks with it).

I am going to guess...EBAY auction for the loaded one

Author:  robdogkaraoke [ Thu Apr 06, 2006 3:16 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Acesonic kod vs Rj tech juke box

But they dont have hard drives they are built in midi disks. I am just wondering what unit he saw with a hard drive in it cause i have the acesonic and love it and am interested in all hard drive players

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